
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

8.3.19 Procedure for debugging a service template again without rebuilding

After executing a debug task, you can debug the same service template again by executing the debug task from the Service Builder Debug window displayed. In this case, you do not need to rebuild the service template.

You can rerun debugging if the debug task is in Completed or Failed status. If you want to execute a debug task while another debug task is running, you must forcibly stop the currently running debug task.

When you rerun debugging, JP1/AO deletes the existing debug service and debug task, and then generates a new debug service and debug task.

To execute a new debug task without rebuilding the service template:

  1. In the Debug area, from the Resubmit pull-down menu ([Figure]), select Retry the Task.

  2. In the Perform Debugging dialog box, specify the definition information for the debug service and debug task, task log output level, and debug service property information.

  3. Click OK.

Operation results

The debug task is executed.

  • The Perform Debugging dialog box displays the service template as it was configured when last built by the user who performs debugging. If another user edits and builds the same service template in the meantime, the changes do not apply to the contents of the service template displayed in this dialog box.

  • You can debug a service template again without rebuilding it only while the Service Builder Debug window is displayed. If you close the Service Builder Debug window by clicking the Back to Editor button or logging out of JP1/AO, you need to rebuild the service template before debugging it.