
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

8.3.2 General procedure for debugging service templates

If the build process is successful, debug the service template to find problems in its flow or plug-ins.

The following describes the general procedure for debugging a service template.

  1. If you do not expect any problems when executing all plug-ins in the service template, you must first execute the debug task without pausing between steps.

    Make sure that there are no problems with the flow transitions or the processing of the plug-ins.

    If the service template contains any component that you do not want to execute at this time, skip this step and start from step 2.

  2. If you find a problem with a flow transition or the processing of a plug-in, interrupt the execution between steps during debugging to identify the precise location and nature of the problem. You can set breakpoints for any step. If necessary, you can also check the operation by changing the values of input and output properties. You can debug the service template any number of times from the Resubmit pull-down menu[Figure] in the Service Builder Debug window.

  3. In the Service Builder Edit window, amend the service template.

  4. Build and debug the service template again, repeating steps 1 to 4 until all problems are resolved.

  5. Make sure that all problems have been resolved, and then finish the debugging.


After executing a debug task, you do not need to perform the build operation again if you repeat the debugging without amending the service template.