
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide 

5.3.1 Overview of task log

You can view the log information generated when a task is executed by displaying the Log tab of the Task Details window. You can also download the task log by clicking the Download button.

Figure 5‒9: Task Details window (Log tab)


Information is output to the task log when a task enters the following statuses:

The task log displayed on the Log tab is not updated as new information arrives. To display the latest information, close the Task Details window and then open it again.


If you click the Download button and then use another part of the JP1/AO interface while the Save As window is still open, subsequent operations in JP1/AO might not work correctly. Make sure that you have closed the dialog box where you select a destination for the file before performing any further operations in JP1/AO. If a problem of this nature does occur, restart your Web browser and log in again.


For details on how to display the task log for a debug task, see the JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide.