
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide 

4.5 Editing services

This section describes the procedure for editing services.

Who can perform this task:

To edit a service:

  1. Display the Services window.

  2. From the list of services in the Services area, select the service you want to edit.

  3. Click the Edit button.

  4. In the Service Definition window (editing), set the service information and property information.

    Figure 4‒5: Service Definition window (editing)


    The property information you can set depends on the service template. For details, see the topic for each service template in the manual JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Reference.

    For details on the service information you can set, see 4.13 Items to set when creating, editing, and copying services.

    The function for setting constraints in the Service Definition window (editing) is a function that enables to specify constraints on input values of integer-type or double-type service properties from the Service Definition window (editing). The following constraints can be specified.

    Table 4‒4: Specifiable constraints

    Option type


    Single Value

    You can specify the same value as the default value by normal input in the Service Definition window (editing).

    Multiple Values

    From the multiple values specified in the Service Definition window (editing), you can specify one in the Submit Service window.


    In the Submit Service window, you can specify a value in the range from the minimum value to the maximum value specified in the Service Definition window (editing).

    You can execute the constraints setting of the Service Definition window (editing) only for services created from service templates that were created by using Service Builder window of JP1/AO 12-01 or later. This function cannot be used if you create services by importing templates that were created by using Service Builder window of JP1/AO of a version earlier than 12-01.

    • You can set property values as a batch based on the contents of a property file by clicking the Import button.

    • You can output the values set as property information to a property file by clicking the Export button.

    • If you click the Preview button, a preview of the Submit Service dialog box appears in which you can view the execution parameters of the service.

  5. Click the Save and Close button.

Result of operation:

The changes to the service information and property information take effect.