
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide 

2.5.3 Tag Search area

In the Services window, Tasks window, and Service Templates window, you can use tags to search for services, tasks, and service templates. The Tag Search area shows tags arranged by tag group, and pseudo tags. Selecting a tag filters the managed resources by that tag. You can select multiple tags, in which case an AND operator applies between them.

Figure 2‒9: Tag Search area


The elements in the Tag Search area are described in the table below.

Table 2‒11: Elements in Tag Search area



Tag group

Displays the name of the tag group.


Displays the tags that belong to the tag group.

Clicking a tag adds it to the search criteria. Selected tags are displayed in blue.

Pseudo tags

Depending on the window, tags are displayed under the following categories:

  • Services window

    Service groups

  • Tasks window

    Service groups and task statuses

  • Service Templates window


Clicking a tag adds it to the search criteria. Tags that have been selected are displayed in blue.

Organize Tags button

Click this button to display the Organize Tags dialog box. This button only appears if the logged-in user is assigned the Admin or Develop role.