
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide 

1.5 Executing services

The automation of operating procedures begins by submitting services for execution. When you submit a service, you enter the required property values and the schedule type. The required property values differ among services. At service execution, JP1/AO generates a corresponding task which starts processing at the time determined by the schedule type.

The following figure shows the general procedure for automating operating procedures, and how it relates to service execution.

Figure 1‒6: Flow of operating procedure automation (service execution)


You can submit a service for immediate execution, scheduled execution, or recurring execution.

Immediate execution

When you submit the service, a task is generated and processing begins immediately.

Scheduled execution

When you submit the service, a task is generated and begins processing at the scheduled start time.

Recurring execution

When you submit the service, a task is generated and begins processing according to the scheduled start time and recurrence interval.

Organization of this section