
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Overview and System Design Guide 



Admin role

A type of role. The user group for which this role is set can manage service groups, and manage and develop service templates. It can also manage and run services.


In JP1/AO, archiving means moving tasks whose processing has been completed from the list of tasks to the list of histories. The detailed information is deleted from archived tasks .



To make a Development service template available for debugging and able to be added as a service in a development environment. A built Development service template is imported to a JP1/AO server.

built-in user group

A user group provided by JP1/AO. The following four built-in user groups are provided: AdminGroup, DevelopGroup, ModifyGroup, and SubmitGroup.


cluster system

A system in which multiple servers are linked together and run as a single system, enabling applications to be run without interruption in the event of a failure. If a failure occurs on the server running applications (the active server), another server that has been on standby (a standby server) inherits the application processing. Inheriting processing in this manner is called failover. In general, this type of system is also called a node switching system because application processing is switched from the active node to the standby node.

Common Component

A component providing a collection of functions that can also be used in all Hitachi Command Suite products. Common Component is installed as a part of JP1/AO and provides such functions as user management, log output, and various commands.


Plug-ins and release service templates that can be placed as steps in the flow of a service template.

connection destination

The host at a connection destination that is managed by JP1/AO as a target of a service operation. Accesses from users to connection destinations can be restricted by associating the connection destinations with service groups.


debug service

A service that is generated and run when a Development service template is debugged. Unlike ordinary services, debug services need not be created in the Service Definition (Create) window or run in the Submit Service window.

debug task

A task that is generated when a Development service template is debugged. This task is generated whenever a debug service is run. During debugging, problems of flows and plug-ins can be pointed out from the execution results of a debug task.


A function provided by JP1/AO for supporting debugging of Development service templates.


A series of operations for detecting problems of flows and plug-ins based on the results of a debug task, in order to verify operation of a Development service template.

Develop role

A type of role. The user group for which this role is set can manage and develop service templates, and manage and run services.

Development plug-in

A plug-in that is being created by the user, or a plug-in that was created by duplicating an existing plug-in. Development plug-ins are used in a development environment.

Development service template

A service template that is being created by the user, or a service template that was created by duplicating a Release service template. Development service templates are used in a development environment.

direct-access URL

A URL that displays a target window immediately after login. The following three windows can be displayed: Service Definition (Edit) window, Submit Service window, and Task Details window.


external authentication linkage

A function for managing users by linking with JP1/Base's authentication function or Active Directory. Linking with JP1/Base's authentication function allows JP1/AO to use the JP1 user managed by other products. Linking with Active Directory allows the user to log in to JP1/AO by using Active Directory user information and use Active Directory to manage JP1/AO passwords.



A flow of an automated procedure defined in a service template



An archived task whose processing has terminated.

Hitachi Command Suite

Product for providing centralized management of multiple storage systems, from configuration to monitoring of the storage environment, regardless of the platforms used.



A collection of commands, shell scripts, or Windows executable files.

JP1 event

Information used by JP1 to manage an event that occurs in the system. The JP1 events are managed by JP1/Base's event service. JP1/Base records the JP1 events that occur in the system in a database.

JP1 resource group

In JP1/Base, the management targets (resources), such as jobs and events, are classified into various groups. These groups of management targets (resources) are called JP1 resource groups.

JP1 user

A user managed by JP1/Base. Setting up an external authentication linkage with JP1/Base enables the JP1 users to log in to JP1/AO.

JP1/AO Content Pack

Product providing a package of multiple service templates. It provides a collection of templates that support a wide variety of types and fields of operations, including virtual server operations and cloud operations.

JP1/Automatic Operation

Product that provides functions needed to automate operation procedures and support run book automation.


Product for achieving integrated network management, such as network configuration management, performance management, and failure management.

JP1/Integrated Management

Product for centrally monitoring distributed systems. It enables the user to monitor the JP1 events that indicate job execution status and failures in distributed systems via the JP1/IM - View window.

JP1/Performance Management

Product for monitoring and analyzing issues related to system performance.


layering step

A step that uses a flow plug-in. Using a layering step allows the user to create a layer of flows.

LDAP search user

A user who logs in to Active Directory to retrieve user information from an LDAP directory server. An Active Directory user who has permissions to access target user information can be specified as an LDAP search user.


Modify role

A type of role. The user group for which this role is set can manage and run services.


normal step

A step that uses normal plug-ins (that is, other than a flow plug-in and repeated execution plug-in). Using a normal step allows the user to perform processing defined in plug-ins.



The minimum unit of processing for automated IT operations. Plug-ins include the JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins and JP1/AO Content Pack Plug-ins. Of the JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins, plug-ins for general-purpose processing, such as email notification and repeated flow processing, are called basic Plug-ins.

plug-in icon file

An image file that can be set as a plug-in icon. Plug-in icons are displayed in a list of plug-ins and in the Flow area.


Data used for managing users, including the user IDs and addresses.

Property mapping

Settings for inheriting property values between step properties or between a step property and a service property. For example, you can specify the settings so that the value of an output property of the previous step is inherited to the value for an input property of the next step.


related line

A line that connects steps. An execution order of processing can be defined by deploying the steps required for a job and connecting them by using a related line.

Related step

When a step property is elevated to a service property, the original step is called the related step for the service property. Also, when a property group in a service component is based on another service component, a step that uses the other service component is called the related step for the property group.


To make a tested service template able to be added as a service in the product environment. A Development service template that has been released is called a Release service template, which cannot be edited. A released service template is imported to a JP1/AO server.

Release plug-in

A plug-in that was imported to JP1/AO by releasing a Development service template, or a plug-in included in the service templates provided by JP1/AO. Release plug-ins are used in the product environment.

Release service template

A Development service template that has been released is called a Release service template. The service templates provided by JP1/AO are also release service templates. Release service templates are used in the product environment. A release service template can also be placed as a service component in the flow when a service template is developed.

repeated step

A step that uses a repeated execution plug-in. Using a repeated step allows a specified flow to be executed repeatedly.


Attribute used to restrict operations (such as managing and running services) for a given service group from a user group. There are four roles: Admin role, the Develop role, the Modify role, and the Submit role.



In JP1/AO, an imported service template into which environment-specific property values are entered becomes what is called a service. Operation procedures are automated by running services.

Service component

Release service templates that can be placed as steps in the flow of a service template. The release service templates imported to JP1/AO can be placed as service components in the flow.

Service group

A group of services and connection destinations.

Service property

Properties used by users who submit services to specify the values necessary for submitting the services, or to acquire the submission results of the services. Service properties include input properties, output properties, and variables.

service template

A template that enables various operation procedures for an IT system to be run by simply specifying property values and scheduling information from a JP1/AO window.

shared service property

A property whose value is shared among the services that run in JP1/AO. For example, if you define the host name, user name, and password for a server at the connection destination as shared service properties, you can skip entering these defined server information items each time you run a service. Shared service properties that are predefined by JP1/AO are called shared built-in service properties.


An element of a flow. One step executes one plug-in.

Step property

Internal properties used to specify values necessary for executing steps, or to acquire the execution results of the steps.

Submit role

A type of role. The user group for which this role is set can run services.



Category information (such as the purpose of use and the type) of services. Service templates, services, and tasks are classified based on this information. The classification includes the large classification (by tag group) and the small classification (by tag).


The unit of processing that is generated by running a service. By checking the tasks, you can obtain the progress and results of automatic processing.

task-processing engine

An internal component of JP1/AO. It executes the flows contained in service templates.


user group

A group of users who use the same service group and have the same permissions for that service group.

User Management permission

Permission needed to manipulate all user accounts. A user with the User Management permission can use the functions for managing users and user groups.