
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

18.3.2 Data that must be collected when a problem occurs (in UNIX)

Organization of this subsection

(1) OS system information

You need to collect the following log information about the OS. You can use the data collection tool to collect this information.

Type of information

Required data

File name#1

Date and time collected

Execution result of date

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, date.log

System log (syslog)

/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log (AIX)#2

/var/log/messages (Linux)#2#3

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, syslog.log

Host names set on the machine


jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, hosts

Service ports set on the machine


jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, services

List of users registered on the machine


jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, passwd

Network interface status information

Execution result of -ip link (for Linux 7, Linux 8, Linux 9, Oracle Linux 7, Oracle Linux 8, Oracle Linux 9, SUSE Linux 12, SUSE Linux 15)

Execution result of netstat -in (for OSs other than the above)

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, netstat_in.log

List of processes

Execution result of ps -elfa

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, ps.log

Machine environment variable

Execution result of env

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, env.log

Kernel parameter information


Execution result of lsattr -E -l sys0

Execution result of ulimit -a



Execution result of /sbin/sysctl -a

Execution result of ulimit -a









Page size information

Execution result of pagesize (AIX)

Not collected in Linux

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, pagesize.log

Shared memory information

Execution result of ipcs -a

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, ipcs.log

Memory information

Execution result of lsps -s (AIX)

cat /proc/meminfo (Linux)

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, swapinfo.log

Disk information

Execution result of df -k

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, df.log

System diagnostics

Execution result of /usr/bin/alog -o -t boot (AIX) #3

Execution result of /bin/dmesg (Linux)

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, sys_info.log

OS patches implemented


lslpp -l -a

/usr/bin/instfix -a -icv


/bin/rpm -qa

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, patch_info.log

OS version information

Execution result of uname -a

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, uname_a.log

Installed Hitachi products


jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, pplistd

Host name for resolving the network address

Execution result of jbsgethostbyname

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, jbsgethostbyname.log

Linux release information

/etc/redhat-release (Linux) #

#: Only collected if it exists.

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, redhat-release


jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, os-release

Name service settings file

/etc/netsvc.conf (AIX)

/etc/nsswitch.conf (Linux)

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, netsvc.conf (AIX), nsswitch.conf (Linux)

DNS server settings file


jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, resolv.conf

Network interface settings

Execution result of ifconfig -a

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, ifconfig.log

Routing information

Execution result of ip route (for Linux 7, Linux 8, Linux 9, Oracle Linux 7, Oracle Linux 8, Oracle Linux 9, SUSE Linux 12, SUSE Linux 15)

Execution result of netstat -rn (for OSs other than the above)

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, netstat_rn.log


Result of executing the journalctl -l --no-pager command#4

jp1default_base_1st.tar.Z, journal.log

#1: Names of the compressed file and expanded file after execution of the data collection tool (listed in that order). In Linux, the extension is gz.

#2: The syslog file might have a different name.

#3: The data collection tool does not have sufficient rights to collect this information when executed by a user with JP1/Base administrator privileges.

#4: Journal logs are output as text.

-l option : Output is not truncated.

--no-pager option: Output is not piped to a pager.

(2) JP1/Base information

You need to collect the following information about JP1/Base. You can use the data collection tool to collect this information. If a problem occurs while the machine is connected to the network, you also need to collect the files on the remote machine.

Type of information

Collected information

File name

Environment settings

All files in /etc/opt/jp1base/conf/

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

All files in /etc/opt/jp1base/default/

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

All files in /opt/jp1base/plugin/conf/

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

All files in shared-directory/jp1base/conf#1

logical-host-name_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

Common definition information


(can also be checked from the jbsgetcnf command execution result)

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

All files in /etc/opt/jp1base/default/

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

Log information

All files in /var/opt/jp1base/log/

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected


logical-host-name_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

Log of installation


jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected


Same as the name of the file from which data is collected


Same as the name of the file from which data is collected


Same as the name of the file from which data is collected

All files in /tmp/rf/

Same as the name of the file from which data is collected

Service operating information

All files in /var/opt/jp1base/sys/OPI/

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

All files in shared-directory/jp1base/sys/OPI/

logical-host-name_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

Event service settings

All files in /var/opt/jp1base/sys/tmp/event/

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

All files in shared-directory/event/#1

logical-host-name_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

Event database

All files in /var/opt/jp1base/sys/event/

jp1_default_base_2nd.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

All files in shared-directory/event/#1

logical-host-name_base_2nd.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

Command execution log

All files in /var/opt/jp1base/log/COMMAND

jp1_default_base_2nd.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

All files in shared-directory/jp1base/log/COMMAND

jp1_default_base_2nd.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

Process operating status (except event service)

Execution result of jbs_spmd_status

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, jbs_spmd_status.log

Execution result of jbs_spmd_status -h logical-host-name#1

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, jbs_spmd_status_logical-host-name.log

Process operating status of event service

Execution result of jevstat command

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, jevstat.log

Execution result of jevstat logical-host-name#1

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, jevstat_logical-host-name.log

Integrated trace log file


jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

ISAM maintenance information

Execution result of Jischk command

Physical host specified:


Logical host specified:


Physical host specified:

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, com.jischk, log

Logical host specified:

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, com.jischk_logical-host-name.log

Core file diagnostics#3, #5, #6

Execution result of car command

(results of analyzing core files in

/var/opt/jp1base/ and /opt/jp1base/)

jp1_default_base_2nd.tar.Z, core_module-name.log

jp1_default_base_2nd.tar.Z, core_module-name_car.tar.Z (core_module-name_car.tar in Linux 9 and later)

File list

Execution result of ls command

ls -lRa /opt/jp1base

ls -lRa /etc/opt/jp1base

ls -lRa /var/opt/jp1base

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, inst_dir.log

Execution result of ls command#1

ls -lRa shared-directory/jp1base

ls -lRa shared-directory/event

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, share_dir.log

Patch log


jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, PatchInfo

Patch log information


jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, PatchLog

JP1/Base binding status

Execution result of ss -nap (for Linux 7, Linux 8, Linux 9, Oracle Linux 7, Oracle Linux 8, Oracle Linux 9, SUSE Linux 12, SUSE Linux 15)

Execution result of netstat -na (for AIX)

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, netstat_na.log

jp1hosts2 information

All files in /var/opt/jp1base/sys/jp1hosts2/

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

All files in shared-directory/jp1base/sys/jp1hosts2/#1

logical-host-name_base_1st.tar.Z, same as the name of the file from which data is collected

Execution result of jbshosts2export

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, jbshosts2export_JP1_DEFAULT.log

Execution result of jbshosts2export -h logical-host-name#1

logical-host-name_base_1st.tar.Z, jbshosts2export_logical-host-name.log

JP1/Base administrator settings#4

Execution result of jbssetadmingrp -v

jp1_default_base_1st.tar.Z, jbssetadmin.log

Exclusive control type of the integrated trace log

Execution result of hntr2getconf -t


Settings of the integrated trace log

Execution result of hntr2getconf -f -b -n -s -w


Common definition information backup file

All files in /tmp/JP1_COMDEF/

Same as the name of the file from which data is collected

Note: When you specify a different path in the event server index file (index), or change the destination for the integrated trace log, you must specify the following option in the data collection tool in order to collect information from either the specified path or the changed destination. (any-option) [directory-specified-in-the-index-file] (any-option) [destination-directory-for-the-integrated-trace-log]

#1: Output when data about the logical host (cluster environment) is collected.

#2: Extra disk space might be required to collect large files of data from the event database and command execution log. Make sure that you check the file size before you collect data.

#3: Note the following when using Linux:

In Linux, the maximum size for core file dumps will sometimes be set to 0 by default. In this case, the system will not output a core dump file. To avoid this issue, the jbs_start and jbs_start.cluster scripts contain the following standard setting:

if [ 'uname' = Linux ]; then

ulimit -c unlimited


If this setting contravenes the security policy of the system on which the script is executed, comment it out by placing a hash mark (#) at the beginning of each line. This invalidates the setting. However, it also means that the system will not create a core dump file when an event such as a segmentation fault or bus error that would usually trigger a core dump occurs in the JP1/Base process, denying you information you might use to investigate the cause.

#if [ 'uname' = Linux ]; then

#ulimit -c unlimited


#4: The data collection tool does not have sufficient rights to collect this information when executed by a user with JP1/Base administrator privileges.

#5: As for the core dump file related ABRT settings (Linux only), note the following:

Under the Linux where an automated bug reporting tool (ABRT) is installed, if the ABRT settings constrain processes, OS account users, or user groups from creating a core dump file, no core dump file will be created when an event such as a segmentation fault or bus error that would usually trigger the creation of a core dump file occurs in a JP1/Base process. Hence, no investigation can be made.

Review your ABRT settings to meet your operation not to constrain OS account users, user groups, or processes to run JP1/Base from creating a core dump file. For details, see the documentation for your Linux.

#6: When collecting data in an environment of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or later, by the default settings the analysis information of the core file output before restarting the system cannot be collected. If you want to collect the analysis information of the core file output before restarting the system, use the following procedure to make the journal persistent before starting JP1/Base.

1. Open the /etc/systemd/journald.conf file in an editor.






2. Restart systemd-journald.

systemctl restart systemd-journald

(3) Operation data

If a problem occurs, you need to collect the following operational information:

(4) Error information on the screen

Collect hard copies of the following: