
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

18.3.1 Data that must be collected when a problem occurs (in Windows)

Organization of this subsection

(1) OS system information

You need to collect the following log information about the OS. You can use the data collection tool to collect this information.

Type of information

Required data

File name#1

Date and time collected

Execution result of date /t

Execution result of time /t


Windows event log

Application log:


System log:


  • SysEvent(Backup).evt

  • AppEvent(Backup).evt

Host names set on the machine



Service ports set on the machine



NICs installed

Execution result of ipconfig /all


List of services started

Execution result of net start


Machine environment variable

Execution result of set


Dr. Watson log file#2



Crash dump#2



Machine system information

Execution result of msinfo32 /report file-name


User right assignment

Execution result of secedit /export /cfg file-name/areas USER_RIGHTS /quiet


Group policy

Execution result of gpresult /z


Range of the dynamic ports (IPV4)

Execution result of netsh int ipv4 show dynamicporttcp


Range of the dynamic ports (IPV6)

Execution result of netsh int ipv6 show dynamicporttcp


Routing information

Execution result of netstat -rn


#1: Name of the file under which the information collected by the data collection tool is stored.

#2: Output only if specified in advance. For details about the specification method, see 4.7 Preparing to collect information when a problem occurs (Windows only). For details on the setting, see 4.7 Preparing to collect information when a problem occurs (Windows only).

(2) JP1/Base information

You need to collect the following information about JP1/Base. You can use the data collection tool to collect this information. If a problem occurs while the machine is connected to the network, you also need to collect the files on the remote machine.

Type of information

Required data

File name#1

Environment settings

All files in installation-folder\conf

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in installation-folder\default\

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in installation-folder\plugin\conf\

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in shared-folder\jp1base\conf#2

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

Common definition information

Execution result of jbsgetcnf command

File specified in the jbsgetcnf command

Execution result of jbsgetcnf -h logical-host-name#2

Log information

All files in installation-folder\log\

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in shared-folder\jp1base\log\#2

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\jp1\jp1_default\JP1Base\log\#4

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Hitachi\jp1\logical-host-name\JP1Base\log\#4

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

Log of installation


Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in Windows-installation-folder\TEMP\RF\

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected

Service operating information

All files in installation-folder\sys\OPI\

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in shared-folder\jp1base\sys\OPI\

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

Event service settings

All files in installation-folder\sys\tmp\event\

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in shared-folder\jp1base\event\#2

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

Event database

All files in installation-folder\sys\event\#3

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in shared-folder\jp1base\event\#2, #3

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

Command execution log

All files in installation-folder\log\COMMAND#3

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in shared-folder\jp1base\log\Command\#2, #3

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

Integrated trace log

system-drive\Program Files (x86)\Hitachi\HNTRLib2\spool\hntr2*.log

system-drive\Program Files\Hitachi\HNTRLib2\spool\hntr2*.log

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

File list

Execution result of dir /s installation-folder


Execution result of dir /s shared-folder\jp1base


Version information

system-drive\Program Files

\InstallShield Installation Information

\{F8C71F7C-E5DE-11D3-A21E-006097C00EBC}\setup.ilg, setup.ini

base_setup.ilg, base_setup.ini

Patch log



JP1/Base binding status

Execution result of netstat -nao


Host name for resolving the network address

Execution result of jbsgethostbyname


Access permissions for folders

Execution result of cacls-installation-folder


Execution result of cacls-shared-folder\jp1base

Execution result of cacls-installation-folder\log


Execution result of cacls-shared-folder\jp1base\log

Execution result of cacls-installation-folder\log\COMMAND


Execution result of cacls-shared-folder\jp1base\log\COMMAND

Execution result of cacls-installation-folder\sys


Execution result of cacls-installation-folder\sys\event


Execution result of cacls-installation-folder\sys\event\servers


Execution result of cacls-installation-folder\sys\event\servers\default


Execution result of cacls-shared-folder\jp1base\event


Hitachi Integrated Installer log files

All files in Windows-installation-folder\Temp\HCDINST\

Copies of the files that are shown in the left column

Product information log

system-drive\Program Files\Hitachi\jp1common\jp1base\jp1base.dat

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

jp1hosts2 information

All files in installation-folder\sys\jp1hosts2\

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

All files in shared-folder\jp1base\sys\jp1hosts2\#2

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected.

Execution result of jbshosts2export


Exclusive control type of the integrated trace log

Execution result of hntr2getconf -t

hntr2conf_f.log, hntr2x64conf_f.log

Settings of the integrated trace log

Execution result of hntr2getconf -f -b -n -s -w

hntr2conf_f.log, hntr2x64conf_f.log

Product number and version information


Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected

License type information


Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected

Common definition information backup file

All files in Windows-installation-folder\Temp\JP1_COMDEF\

Same as the name of the file from which the data is collected

Note: When you specify a different path in the event server index file (index), or change the destination for the integrated trace log, directly collect information from either the specified path or the changed destination.

#1: Name of the file under which the information collected by the data collection tool is stored.

#2: Output when data about the logical host (cluster environment) is collected.

#3: Extra disk space might be required to collect large files of data from the event database and command execution log. Make sure that you check the file size before you collect data.

#4: The value set in the environment variable %ALLUSERSPROFILE% at installation is used.

(3) JP1/Base processes

Use the Windows task manager to check the operation status of processes.

(4) Operation data

If a problem occurs, you need to collect the following operational information:

(5) Error information on the screen

Collect hard copies of the following:

(6) Collecting user dumps

If the JP1/Base process stops due to an application error, collect the user dumps.

(7) Collecting problem reports

If the JP1/Base process stops due to an application error, collect the problem reports.