
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

Additional extended attribute settings files

Organization of this page


# comment





E.extended-attribute-name attribute-value


end-add [exit]


Parameters by type

Required parameters:


Custom parameters:


File names

recv_add_extattr (file for transfer reception)

send_add_extattr (file for event registration)

add_extattr.model (model file for an additional extended attribute settings file)

Storage destination directory

For Windows:


shared-folder\jp1base\event\ (in a cluster configuration)

In the initial settings of the event server index file (index), the specified folder is installation-folder\conf\event\servers\default\.



shared-directory/event/ (in a cluster configuration)

In the initial settings of the event server index file (index), the specified directory is /etc/opt/jp1base/conf/event/servers/default/.


Additional extended attribute settings files are used to set the conditions for JP1 events to which extended attributes are to be added, and to set the names and values of the extended attributes. There are additional extended attribute settings files for transfer reception (recv_add_extattr) and for event registration (send_add_extattr).

The settings in additional extended attribute settings files are required to define through referring to the Recommended definition method below. In the initial state, these files are not provided.

If the additional extended attribute settings file for transfer reception (recv_add_extattr) is created, extended attributes are added based on the definitions in the file when transferred JP1 events are received. If the additional extended attribute settings file for event registration (send_add_extattr) is created, extended attributes are added based on the definitions in the file when JP1 events are registered in the event database.

The following table describes the JP1 events to which extended attributes are added by a definition file.

Definition file

Target JP1 events

Additional extended attribute settings file for transfer reception (recv_add_extattr)

  • Events issued to the local event server from another event server# (JP1 event registered reason: 3)

  • Events transferred to the local event server from another event server according to the specified transfer settings (JP1 event registered reason: 4)

Additional extended attribute settings file for event registration (send_add_extattr)

  • Events issued from the local event server to the local event server (JP1 event registered reason: 1)

  • Events issued from the local event server to another event server# (JP1 event registered reason: 2)

#: If the jevsend or jevsendd command is executed with the -d option, which specifies the destination event server, the definitions take effect in the following files: the additional extended attribute settings file for event registration on the registration source and the additional extended attribute settings file for transfer reception on the send destination.

Application of settings

The settings are applied when the event service is started or restarted, or when an additional extended attribute settings file is reloaded by the jevextreload command. For details about this command, see jevextreload in 15. Commands. Note that if the event service is restarted, all services that use the event service must also be restarted.

Definition details

The following conventions apply to entries in the additional extended attribute settings files (recv_add_extattr and send_add_extattr):

add ... end-add [exit]

A sequence of entries from add to end-add is an attribute addition setting block, which contains a filter block and extended attribute specification. You can specify multiple attribute addition setting blocks. If multiple attribute addition setting blocks are specified, JP1/Base processes them in the order they are specified (the first block is processed first). Note that the keyword end-add can be followed by the keyword exit. If the condition specified in an attribute addition setting block is satisfied and exit is specified in that block, processing of the subsequent attribute addition setting blocks is skipped. If the filter block is omitted, JP1/Base assumes that the condition is satisfied. You cannot omit both the filter block and extended attribute specification.

filter ... end-filter

A sequence of entries from filter to end-filter is a filter block, which specifies a definition for filtering JP1 events to which an extended attribute is to be added. The following shows the format of a filter block:


If the filter block is omitted, all JP1 events are subject to conversion. For the event filter, you can also specify an exclusion condition. For details about the writing format of an event filter, see Event filter syntax.

E.extended-attribute-name attribute-value

This is an extended-attribute specification parameter. Specify the name and value of an extended attribute (user-specific information) to be added to JP1 events. By specifying multiple extended-attribute specification parameters, you can add multiple extended attributes to one JP1 event. Each JP1 event can have a maximum of 100 extended attributes (calculated as the combined total of the common information and user-specific information). However, the total length of extended attribute values that can be defined for JP1 events cannot exceed 10,000 bytes. You can add extended attributes as long as these limitations are not exceeded. Note that in one attribute addition setting block, you cannot specify the same extended attribute name more than once.

You can omit the extended-attribute specification parameters. To exclude specific JP1 events from being the targets for addition of extended attributes, define the condition that identifies the target JP1 events in the event filter, and then specify exit after end-add of the attribute addition setting block.


If you specify a multi-byte character as an extended attribute value, when the JP1 event character code is C, the specified character becomes garbled. If you want to specify a multi-byte character, add character code (B.CODESET) conditions to the event conditions, with different character strings defined for the character code 8859_1 (C) and other character codes.


Following the string E., specify the name of the extended attribute to be added. The name can be a maximum of 32 bytes. You can use uppercase letters, numeric characters, and underscores (_). Note that the first 7 bytes of each extended attribute name is fixed to JP1ADD_. That is, you can specify a maximum of 25 bytes after E.JP1ADD_.


Specify the value of the extended attribute whose name is specified by the E.extended-attribute-name entry. You can enter a character string that is from 1 to 255 bytes. For the value of an extended attribute, you cannot specify a blank (null string). You cannot specify a value that includes line breaks, either.


Recommended definition method

Definition examples

The following is an example definition that adds the name of a business group to which the agent host belongs as an extended attribute to JP1 events received on the manager side.

Table 16‒16: System configuration for the definition example

Host name

Host type


Integrated manager

jp1-agt001 to jp1-agt100

Agent (business group 1)

jp1-agt101 to jp1-agt200

Agent (business group 2)

Conditions for adding the extended attribute for the integrated manager (jp1-mgr)
  • The extended attribute is added to JP1 events whose severity (SEVERITY) is not Information and Notice.

  • Business group name jp1-grp1 is added to JP1 events transferred from agents (jp1-agt001 to jp1-agt100) in business group 1 as extended attribute JP1ADD_GROUPNAME.

  • Business group name jp1-grp2 is added to JP1 events transferred from agents (jp1-agt101 to jp1-agt200) in business group 2 as extended attribute JP1ADD_GROUPNAME.

    Figure 16‒5: Flow of JP1 event transfer in the definition example


Example definition of the additional extended attribute settings file (recv_add_extattr) for transfer reception in the integrated manager (jp1-mgr)
# Exclude JP1 events whose severity is Information or Notice from the target of extended attribute addition.
E.SEVERITY IN Information Notice
end-add exit
# Add business group name jp1-grp1 as extended attribute JP1ADD_GROUPNAME
#  to JP1 events transferred from agents (jp1-agt001 to jp1-agt100).
B.SOURCESERVER RANGE jp1-agt001 jp1-agt100
end-add exit
# Add business group name jp1-grp2 as extended attribute JP1ADD_GROUPNAME
#  to JP1 events transferred from agents (jp1-agt101 to jp1-agt200).
B.SOURCESERVER RANGE jp1-agt101 jp1-agt200
end-add exit