
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide


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The jevextreload command reloads an additional extended attribute settings file (recv_add_extattr and send_add_extattr).


jevextreload [-h event-server-name] { -recv | -send }

Required execution permission

In Windows: Administrators. (If User Account Control (UAC) for Windows is enabled, you must execute the command from the administrator console.)

In UNIX: Superuser or JP1/Base administrator permission

Command directory

In Windows:





-h event-server-name

Specify the name of the event server on which you want to reload an additional extended attribute settings file. You can specify a character string that is no more than 255 bytes long.

If this option is not specified, the command determines the event server name in the following order:

  1. If the logical host name is specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable, that logical host name is used.

  2. If an asterisk (*) or the local host name (physical host name returned by the hostname command) is preferentially specified for the server parameter in the event server index file (index), the local host name is used.

  3. If an at mark (@) or FQDN name is preferentially specified for the server parameter in the event server index file (index), the FQDN name is used.

  4. The local host name (physical host name returned by the hostname command) is used.

{ -recv | -send }

Specify the type of the additional extended attribute settings file that you want to reload (file for transfer reception or event registration).


Specify this argument to reload the additional extended attribute settings file for transfer reception (recv_add_extattr). If the recv_add_extattr file does not exist in the command directory, the command terminates normally, disabling the relevant additional extended attribute settings.


Specify this argument to reload the additional extended attribute settings file for event registration (send_add_extattr). If the send_add_extattr file does not exist in the command directory, the command terminates normally, disabling the relevant additional extended attribute settings.

Return values


Normal end


Invalid argument


The specified event server has not started.


The additional extended attribute settings file contains an error.


Other error


The following shows an example of use.

In this example, the command reloads the additional extended attribute settings file for transfer reception on the evserver1 event server:

jevextreload -h evserver1 -recv