
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide


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You can use this command to collect event service definitions.


jevdef_get {-f | -e | -l [action-definition-file-for-log-file-trapping] | -s}
           [-r host-name[,host-name...]]
           [-h logical-host-name]

Required execution permission

In Windows: Administrators (If User Account Control (UAC) for Windows is enabled, you must execute the command from the administrator console.)

In UNIX: Superuser or JP1/Base administrator permission

Command directory

In Windows:






Specify the -f option to collect definitions in the forwarding settings file (forward).


Specify the -e option to collect definitions in the action definition file for event log trapping (ntevent.conf). This command collects definitions only when the source host is running Windows.

If the target agent is a logical host, definitions are collected from an action definition file for event log trapping. This file is on the physical host (primary host) of the target agent host.

-l [action-definition-file-for-log-file-trapping]

This argument enables you to collect definitions from an action definition file for log file trapping. For the log file trap definition file name, specify a file name or relative path of your choice. The definition information is distributed to the specified file or relative path under the following folder on the target host:

  • In Windows: installation-folder\conf\

  • In UNIX: /etc/opt/jp1base/conf/

Specify a file name so that the length of the full path, including the above folder, does not exceed 256 bytes.

Note that you cannot use tabs, spaces, or the following symbols when specifying the distribution definition file: :, ,, ;, *, ?, ", <, >, or |. Furthermore, you cannot use "..\" in the file name to indicate a higher-level directory.

If you omit the log file trap definition file name, jevlog.conf is assumed.

If the target agent is a logical host, definitions are collected from an action definition file for log file trapping. This file is on the physical host (primary host) of the target agent host.


Specify the -s option to collect definitions in the log-file trap startup definition file (jevlog_start.conf). The command only collects these definition if the source and destination hosts are running JP1/Base version 10-00 or later.

-r host-name[,host-name...]

Specify the -r option to collect definitions from specific hosts. If you omit this option, information is collected from all hosts. Use commas to separate multiple host names.

-h logical-host-name

Specify this option when executing the command on a logical host. If you omit this option, the host name set in the environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is assumed. If the environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is not set, the host name is assumed to be the same as the local host.


Return values


Normal end


Invalid argument


The log-file trap management service or log-file trap management daemon is inactive.


An error occurred during acquisition of configuration definition information.


Insufficient system resource such as memory


Error at the collection source host


Other error