
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide


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The jevdef_distrib command distributes event service definitions and adds them to a specified destination.


jevdef_distrib {-f [distribution-definition-file-name1] |
               -e [distribution-definition-file-name2] |
               -l [distribution-definition-file-name3] |
               -s [distribution-definition-file-name4]}
               [-h logical-host-name]

Required execution permission

In Windows: Administrators (If User Account Control (UAC) for Windows is enabled, you must execute the command from the administrator console.)

In UNIX: Superuser or JP1/Base administrator permission

Command directory

In Windows:





-f [distribution-definition-file-name1]

Specify the -f option to distribute definitions in the forwarding settings file (forward). If you create a distribution definition file with the name jev_forward.conf, you do not need to specify the file name. If you have prepared a distribution definition file with another name, specify the name of the file. You cannot specify a directory name. You cannot use the \, /, :, ,, ;, *, ?, ", <, >, |, tab, or space characters when specifying the file name. Create a distribution definition file for each forwarding settings file in the appropriate location, as described in Distribution definition file in 16. Definition Files.

If you specify this option, regular expressions in the definition file on the distribution source host are checked for syntax errors. You can execute the jevreload command to perform a syntax check on the distribution destination host. The syntax check on the source host checks basic regular expressions (JP1-unique regular expressions in Windows). Therefore, if the destination host is set up to use extended regular expressions, use the -n option to suppress the syntax check on the source host.

-e [distribution-definition-file-name2]

Specify the -e option to distribute definitions in the action definition file for event log trapping (ntevent.conf). If you created a distribution definition file with the name jev_ntevent.conf, you do not need to specify the file name. If you have prepared a distribution definition file with another name, specify the name of the file. You cannot specify a directory name. You cannot use the \, /, :, ,, ;, *, ?, ", <, >, |, tab, or space characters when specifying the file name. Create a distribution definition file for each forwarding settings file in the appropriate location, as described in Distribution definition file in 16. Definition Files. This command distributes definitions only to Windows hosts.

If the destination agent is a logical host, the action definition file for event log trapping is distributed. The action definition file is then reloaded onto the physical host (the primary host) of the distribution agent host.

-l [distribution-definition-file-name3]

Specify the -1 option to distribute definitions in the action definition file for log file trapping. If you created a distribution definition file with the name jev_logtrap.conf, you do not need to specify the file name. If you have prepared a distribution definition file with another name, specify that file name. You cannot specify a directory name as the file name. You cannot use the \, /, :, ,, ;, *, ?, ", <, >, |, tab, or space characters when specifying the file name. Create a distribution definition file for each forwarding settings file in the appropriate location, as described in Distribution definition file in 16. Definition Files.

If the destination agent is a logical host, the action definition file for log file trapping is distributed. The action definition file is then reloaded onto the physical host (the primary host) of the distribution agent host.

-s [distribution-definition-file-name4]

Specify the -s option to distribute definitions in a log-file trap startup definition file (jevlog_start.conf). The definitions in the log-file trap startup definition file are not reloaded into the log-file trap management service (daemon). The definitions will be enabled next time the log-file trap management service starts.

If you created a distribution definition file with the name jev_logstart.conf, you do not need to specify the file name. If you gave the file another name, specify the name of the file. You cannot specify a directory name. You cannot use the \, /, :, ,, ;, *, ?, ", <, >, |, tab, or space characters when specifying the file name. Create each distribution definition file in the appropriate location, as described in Distribution definition file in 16. Definition Files. To distribute a log-file trap startup definition file, the distribution source and destination hosts must both be running JP1/Base version 10-00 or later.

-h logical-host-name

Specify this option when executing the command on a logical host. If you omit this option, the host name set in the environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is assumed. If the environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is not set, the host name is assumed to be the same as the local host.

If you specify the -e option, the action definition file for event log trapping specified on the physical host of the command-executing host (primary host) is distributed.

If you specify the -l option, the action definition file for log file trapping specified on the physical host of the command-executing host (primary host) is distributed.

-n (valid when the -f option is specified)

If you want to disable syntax checking on the source host, specify this option. Because the regular expression specifications depend on the platform and the regular expression type (basic regular expression or extended regular expression), we recommend specifying this option in the following cases:

  • The distribution definition file for a forwarding settings file (forward) contains a regular expression, and the source platform differs from the destination platform.

  • The destination host is specified to use extended regular expressions.

If you specify the -e or -l option, syntax is not checked on the source host. However, specifying the -n option with either of these two options does not produce an error.

If you specify this option when the event server is running on the destination, a reloading result is output as a command execution result. However, a syntax check on the source host is not performed. If the event server is not running on the destination, no filter condition error can be detected. In order to detect a filter condition error, the event server must be running on the destination. You can use the return value from the jevdef_distrib command to determine whether the event server is running.


Return values


Normal end


Invalid argument


The log-file trap management service or log-file trap management daemon is inactive.


An error occurred during acquisition of configuration definition information.


Insufficient system resource such as memory


The distribution definition file contains an error.


An error occurred during opening of the distribution definition file.


Error at the destination


Other error