
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide


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The jbsgetopinfo command collects operating information, converts it to the definition file format, and outputs to the standard output. Definitions for forwarding events, log file traps, the SSL communication settings, and event log traps can be collected as operating information.


jbsgetopinfo [-h logical-host-name | event-service-name]
             [-o operating-information-name, ...]
             [-i ID-number | -a monitoring-target-name]

Required execution permission

In Windows: Administrators (If User Account Control (UAC) for Windows is enabled, you must execute the command from the administrator console.)

In UNIX: Superuser or JP1/Base administrator permission

Command directory

In Windows:





-h logical-host-name

Specify the name of the logical host name or event service name from which you want to collect operating information. If you omit this option, the host name set in the environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is assumed. If the environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is not set, the physical host name is assumed.

-o operating-information-name, ...

Specify the name of the operating information you want to collect. If you omit this option, the system assumes that all of the operating information names are specified. When multiple operating information names are specified, separate the names with commas.

You can specify any of the following operating information names.

  • forward

    Outputs definitions in the forwarding settings file in use. For details on the forwarding settings file, see Forwarding settings file in 16. Definition Files.

  • logtrap

    Outputs definitions in the action definition file for log file trapping in use among all log file traps started by the jevlogstart command and by JP1/AJS log file monitoring jobs. If you specify a logical host or an event service with the -h option, operating information of a physical host is collected. For details about the format of the action definition file for log file trapping, see Action definition file for log file trapping in 16. Definition Files.

  • evttrap

    Outputs definitions in the action definition file for event log trapping in use. If you specify a logical host or an event service with the -h option, operating information of a physical host is collected. evttrap is only for Windows. For details on the format of an action definition file for event log trapping, see Action definition file for event log trapping (Windows only) in 16. Definition Files.

  • SSL

    Outputs definitions in the SSL communication definition file in use. For details on the format of the SSL communication definition file, see SSL communication definition file in 16. Definition Files.

-i ID-number |-a monitoring-target-name

This option is valid only when logtrap is specified as an operating information name. For ID-number, specify the ID number of the log file trap that you want to collect operating information. For monitoring-target-name, specify a monitoring target name of the log file trap that you want to collect operating information. Specify either ID-number or monitoring-target-name. If logtrap is specified as an operating information name and this option is omitted, definitions of all the active log file traps are collected.


Return values


Normal end


Invalid argument


No operating information


The operating information file is corrupted.


The specified logical host name does not exist.


The reloaded settings have not been reflected.


Other user is now accessing.


No execution permission


UAC error


Insufficient memory


Other error

Output format

The following shows the output format of the setup information. Definitions are output in the order in which they appear in the SSL communication definition model file.

The operating information (SSL) is displayed for a physical host name, logical host name, or event service name.

"BASESSL"#4="0" or "1"

The names of the processes to be controlled are output. They are displayed in the following order:

<jbssessionmgr>: Authentication server

<jbsroute>: Configuration management

<jcocmd>: Command execution

<jbsplugind>: Plug-in service

<jbscomd>: Inter-process communication

<jevservice>: Event service


This information is always output.


This information is output only when both ENABLE and BASESSL are set to 1. When the name of the parameter is not defined, a null character is output.


This information is output only when ENABLE is set to 1. dword:00000001 is output when SSL is enabled, and dword:00000000 is output when SSL is disabled.


The following shows an example of output.
