
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide


Organization of this page


The jbsgetcnf command collects all common definition information. Also, this command outputs the common definition information to the standard output.


jbsgetcnf [-h logical-host-name] [-c component-name] > backup-file-name

Required execution permission

In Windows: Administrators (If User Account Control (UAC) for Windows is enabled, you must execute the command from the administrator console.)

In UNIX: Superuser or JP1/Base administrator permission

Command directory

In Windows:





-h logical-host-name

When using JP1/Base in a cluster system, specify the logical host from which you want to collect the definition information. Note that the logical host name must be correctly specified with lower or upper case as specified when the logical host was set up. If you omit this option, the physical host name is assumed.

You must specify the logical host name in this option if you use JP1/Base on a cluster system. You cannot use the environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME.

If you specify an invalid argument other than this option, all the arguments from the invalid argument are ignored.

-c component-name

Specify the component from which you want to collect the definition information.


Specify the name of the backup file in which to save the common definition information.


When the common definition information is output, linefeed characters in each line are "CR,CR,LF" for Windows, "LF"(0x0A) for Unix.

Make sure to use appropriate linefeed characters when you edit or save the content of the file.

Return values


Normal end


Abnormal end


In this example, the command obtains the JP1/Base common definition information from a physical host:

jbsgetcnf -c JP1BASE > config.txt

In this example, the command obtains the JP1/Base common definition information from a logical host named logical:

jbsgetcnf -h logical -c JP1BASE > config.txt