
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

6.3.5 Setting a duplicate communication protocol using IM configuration management

Organization of this subsection

(1) Duplicate communication using IM configuration management

When a JP1/Base host communicates with another host by using the IM configuration management feature of JP1/IM - Manager, a TCP connection is established for a bidirectional jp1bscom service (port number = 20600/tcp) between the JP1/Base instances on the manager and agent hosts. A communication in which an agent connects to the manager is called a duplicate communication.

(2) Duplicate communication protocol

Duplicate communication uses the following two protocols:

If the protocol without name resolution is used, when the manager connects to an agent, the source IP address assigned to the manager is set as the destination IP address for duplicate communication. The protocol without name resolution is selected by default (as the initial setting after JP1/Base is installed).

(3) Selecting the duplicate communication protocol

Select the protocol with name resolution in the following cases:

(4) Setting the duplicate communication protocol

You can apply the protocol with name resolution by setting the common definition settings file (jbscom_resultresolv_enable.conf) on the manager host. jbscom_resultresolv_enable.conf is stored in the following directory:

In Windows:

installation-path\conf\ or shared-directory\conf\


/etc/opt/jp1base/conf/ or shared-directory/jp1base/conf/

When you set the common definition settings file on the logical host, use an editor to open jbscom_resultresolv_enable.conf, and change the setting of JP1_DEFAULT to the logical host name specified for cluster setup on both the primary and secondary nodes.

To apply the protocol with name resolution:

  1. Stop JP1/Base and the products that require JP1/Base as prerequisite software on the manager host.

  2. Execute the jbssetcnf command on the manager host.

    jbssetcnf jbscom_resultresolv_enable.conf
  3. Start JP1/Base and the products that require JP1/Base as prerequisite software on the manager host.

If you change the protocol back to the one without name resolution, use the same procedure to set jbscom_resultresolv_disable.conf.

(5) Notes on the duplicate communication protocol

If you applied the protocol with name resolution, you must specify the settings that enable name resolution of the manager host name on the agent host. You must also set the IP address bound to the server by JP1/Base on the manager host as the primary IP address resolved from the name on the agent host. If you omit these settings, a communication error will occur when you use the IM configuration management to collect profile information, and collection of profile information will fail.