
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Event Gateway for Network Node Manager i


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This command sets up an operating environment for JP1/IM - EG for NNMi.


To perform a new setup

jegn_setup [-h logical-host-name]
           -user NNMi-user-name
           -passwd NNMi-password
           [-port NNMi-port-number]
           [-lang NNMi-language]
           [-interval NNMi-incident-reacquisition-interval]
           [-startup NNMi-incident-acquisition-method]
           [-ssl availability-of-TLS]

To perform an overwrite setup

jegn_setup -update
           [-h logical-host-name]
           [-user NNMi-user-name]
           [-passwd NNMi-password]
           [-port NNMi-port-number]
           [-lang NNMi-language]
           [-interval NNMi-incident-reacquisition-interval]
           [-startup NNMi-incident-acquisition-method]
           [-ssl availability-of-TLS]

To check the operating environment

jegn_setup -list
           [-h logical-host-name]

Execution permission

In Windows: Administrator permissions. If UAC is enabled, however, execute the command from the administrator console.

In UNIX: Superuser permissions

Storage directory

In Windows:





-h logical-host-name

Specifies the name of the logical host for which an operating environment is to be set up. This argument is applicable when you are operating in a cluster system. The permitted length is from 1 to 196 characters (bytes) in Windows and from 1 to 255 characters (bytes) in UNIX. If this option is omitted, the command assumes the logical host specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable. If the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is not specified, the command assumes the physical host. If you are not using a cluster system, there is no need to specify this argument.

-user NNMi-user-name

Specifies the user name of the Web service client of NNMi. The permitted length is from 1 to 40 characters. The characters permitted for the user name are alphanumeric characters, symbols, and the space. If the user name contains a space, enclose the entire name in double-quotation marks (").

If this is a new setup, this option is mandatory.

-passwd NNMi-password

Specifies the password for the Web service client of NNMi. The permitted length is from 1 to 40 characters. The characters permitted for the password are alphanumeric characters, symbols, and the space. If the password contains a space, enclose the entire password in double-quotation marks (").

If this is a new setup, this option is mandatory.

-port NNMi-port-number

Specifies the port number for connection of the NNMi. The permitted value is from 1 to 65535.

If you omit this option and specify true in the -ssl option, the command assumes 20481; if you omit this option and specify false in the -ssl option, the command assumes 20480.

-lang NNMi-language

Specifies the language of the NNMi that is to be connected. Specify en in this argument.

If you omit this option, the command sets en as the language type specified in JP1/Base.

-interval NNMi-incident-reacquisition-interval

Specifies the interval after which an NNMi incident acquisition attempt is to be made again when there were no NNMi incidents to be acquired or in the event of an exception such as a communication error. The permitted value is from 1 to 3600 (seconds).

If this option is omitted, 30 is set.

The following figure illustrates the concept of the NNMi incident re-acquisition interval.

Figure 7‒1: NNMi incident re-acquisition interval


JP1/IM - EG for NNMi issues to NNMi a request to acquire NNMi incidents. If there are NNMi incidents waiting to be acquired, they are acquired. After the acquired NNMi incidents have been converted into JP1 events and the JP1 events have been issued, JP1/IM - EG for NNMi issues the next request to acquire NNMi incidents.

If there are no NNMi incidents to be acquired, JP1/IM - EG for NNMi issues the next request after the amount of time specified in this option has elapsed.

-startup NNMi-incident-acquisition-method

Specifies the first NNMi incident that is to be acquired in the case where NNMi incidents were issued while the service of JP1/IM - EG for NNMi was stopped and those incidents are to be acquired when the service starts (except during the first startup). The permitted values are all and integers in the range from 0 to 240 (hours).

If all is specified, the command acquires all NNMi incidents that have been issued up to the current time since the last NNMi incident was acquired. If an integer other than 0 is specified, the command acquires all the NNMi incidents beginning from the specified number of hours ago. If 0 is specified, the command does not acquire any of the NNMi incidents that were issued while the service was stopped.

If this option is omitted, 0 is set.

The following figure shows the range of NNMi incidents that are acquired when the service starts.

Figure 7‒2: Range of NNMi incidents that are acquired when the service starts


-ssl availability-of-TLS

Specifies whether TLS is to be used when connection is established with NNMi. To use TLS, specify true. To not use TLS, specify false.

If this option is omitted, false is set.

If true is specified for this option, a connection is established by using the TLS protocol, among the protocol versions that can be used for JP1/IM - EG for NNMi, with the highest version number that can be used for the connection-destination JP1/NNMi.

For information about the TLS versions that JP1/IM - EG for NNMi can use, see "2.4.1 Executing the setup command".


Specifies that this is an overwrite setup, and only the information in the specified options is to be changed. For the omitted options, the existing information is to be inherited.

If you have executed the jegn_setup command while the services of JP1/IM - EG for NNMi were running, either execute the jegn_spmd_reload command or restart the JP1/IM - EG for NNMi services in order to apply the new information. If you execute the jegn_setup command while the JP1/IM - EG for NNMi services are stopped, the specified information will take effect the next time the services start.


Specifies that the current settings are to be displayed. When you specify this option, each option setting is displayed in the format option-name:setting. However, the password is always displayed as ********. The following shows an example of the display:


Return values


Normal termination


Abnormal termination