
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Event Gateway for Network Node Manager i (UNIX only)

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This is a tool for collecting data in the event of a problem in JP1/IM - EG for NNMi. The data collected by this tool includes JP1/IM - EG for NNMi maintenance data, OS system information, and integrated trace logs.

This tool is a shell script. It cannot be customized by the user.

When you execute this tool, it classifies the target directories or files used for data collection into primary data and secondary data categories, archives the data directly under the specified data storage directory, and then creates compressed files.

Primary data is collected for purposes such as identifying an error and investigating the causes of a minor problem. It consists of the minimum amount of log information and settings files. Secondary data provides the detailed information needed for an in-depth investigation of an error. It consists of data such as core analysis information and the JP1/Base event database.

If a core dump of JP1/IM - EG for NNMi exists at the time you execute this command, the tool displays the KNAG1044-I message asking whether the core dump is to be deleted. If you enter y or yes, the tool deletes the core dump.

For details about the data that can be collected by this tool, see 10.3.2 Data to be collected (in UNIX).

Format -f data-storage-directory-name
            [-h logical-host-name]

Execution permission

Superuser permissions

Storage directory



-f data-storage-directory-name

Specifies the absolute path (without any spaces) of the directory for storing the collected data. This option is mandatory.

If the specified directory already contains data, the tool displays a message asking whether the existing data is to be overwritten by the collected data. Note that if you specify the -q option, the existing data will be overwritten without requesting confirmation.

If you have specified the name of a device file such as tape, the tool stores the collected data on the device without compressing it.

-h logical-host-name

Specifies the name of the logical host when you are operating in a cluster system. The permitted length is from 1 to 255 characters (bytes). When this option is specified, the command collects data for the logical host as well as for the physical host. If this option is omitted, the command collects data for the physical host only. If you are not using a cluster system, there is no need to specify this option.

If this option is omitted when you are not operating in a cluster system, the logical host name specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is assumed. However, if you omit this option while you are operating in a cluster system, the logical host name specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable will not be assumed. Therefore, when you use a cluster system, you must specify the logical host name in this option.


Specifies that the hosts, services, and passwd files are not to be collected.


Specifies that core analysis information is not to be collected.


Specifies that the maintenance data for JP1/Base is not to be collected.


Specifies that the JP1/Base event database is not to be collected.


Specifies that the command execution log files for JP1/Base are not to be collected.


Specifies that there is no need to wait for a response confirming that data collection processing is to be resumed.

If the -q option is omitted, the system waits for a response when it displays a message asking whether the processing is to be resumed.


Specifies the name of a file or directory to be collected by this tool. Specify an absolute path name. If you specify multiple names, separate them with the space character.

Note that this option must be the last option specified in the command; it can be specified only after you have specified all other options that you need to specify. The collected data is stored as primary data for the physical host.


Return values


Normal termination


Abnormal termination