
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

8.3.1 Operations in the Tool Launcher window

The Tool Launcher window displays the functions of the programs linked to JP1/IM in a tree format. A folder expresses a function category. By double-clicking the end of the tree, you can open a Web page or application program window.

To display a Web page or open an application program window:

  1. In the Event Console window, from the Monitoring Tree page, choose Options and then Start Integrated Function Menu. Alternatively, from the toolbar, click the [Figure] icon.

    The Tool Launcher window opens.

    If MENU_AUTO_START=ON is specified in the tuning.conf file of JP1/IM - View, the Tool Launcher window automatically opens when you log in. For details about the tuning.conf file of JP1/IM - View, see IM-View settings file (tuning.conf) in Chapter 2. Definition Files of the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  2. Expand the tree in the Tool Launcher and double-click the item you want to display.

    The window for the selected function opens.


    When an application program is invoked from the Tool Launcher, the application program cannot start if the OS user that started JP1/IM - View does not have the necessary permissions to execute the application program being invoked.

    You must also start JP1/IM - View using the permissions that can execute the application program being invoked.

The functions listed in the table below can also be invoked from toolbar icons.

Table 8‒1: Functions that can be invoked from toolbar icons

Function name


Network node manager


Windows Remote Controller


Inventory/Software Distribution


#: The Windows edition of JP1/IM - View cannot link to the Web page of JP1/Software Distribution Manager; therefore, the Inventory/Software Distribution icon is not displayed.