
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

8.3 Opening other application windows from the Tool Launcher

The Tool Launcher window displays a list of programs linked to JP1/IM, and you can start a program from this window. You can start the following two types of programs:

Application programs in the viewer

These are application programs that are installed on the same host as JP1/IM - View. When you select a program from the Tool Launcher, an executable file is started.

Web page

When an application on the system provides a Web page, you can display that Web page. When you select a program from the Tool Launcher, a Web browser starts and displays the Web page.

To use these functions, you must set the URL of the Web page in advance. For details about the setting, see Web page call definition file (hitachi_jp1_product-name.html) (in Chapter 2. Definition Files) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

Furthermore, before using the Tool Launcher to link to another product, check the operating environment (supported OS and browsers, for example) of that product.

An example of the Tool Launcher window follows.

Figure 8‒2: Tool Launcher window example


The above figure shows the Tool Launcher window when no application program linked to JP1/IM has been installed in the viewer. When an application program is installed in the viewer, that installed application program is added to the tree in the display.

For details about the programs to be linked, see 8.3.2 Functions that can be operated from the Tool Launcher window.

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