
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

1.5.1 Configuration information and databases to be migrated

The configuration information of JP1/IM needs to be migrated when one of the items listed below is different at the migration-destination host.

This subsection explains the configuration information of JP1/IM that is migrated.

Organization of this subsection

(1) JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base)

During migration of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base to another host, the definition files are the only definitions that can be migrated.

The definition files for the Intelligent Integrated Management Base must be edited on the host at the migration destination.

(2) JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console)

During migration to another host, the definitions in the automated action definition file are the only definitions that can be migrated.

Other definitions must be re-created on the host at the migration destination.

(3) JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope)

You can use the jcsdbexport and jcsdbimport commands to migrate the information of the monitored object database.

Other definitions must be re-created on the host at the migration destination.

Before migrating the information of the monitored object database, make sure that the host name and IP address of the local host, which are set in the status change condition and common condition of the monitored object, are correct.

(4) JP1/IM - Manager (IM Configuration Management)

You can use the jcfexport and jcfimport commands to migrate the information of IM configuration management.

To apply the imported IM configuration management information to the system, see 9.7.3 Applying the imported management information of IM Configuration Management to a system.

If the manager host name of the migration source is set in the profile information of the imported setting file, review the profile settings.

(5) JP1/IM - View

The definition file of JP1/IM - View must be re-created on the host at the migration destination.

(6) IM database

The IM database cannot be migrated. You need to rebuild the IM database on the host at the migration destination. For details about how to rebuild the IM database, see 1.2.3(7) Procedure for rebuilding the IM database.

(7) Event database

The event database cannot be migrated. You need to rebuild the event database on the host at the migration destination. For details about how to rebuild the event database, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

(8) Intelligent Integrated Management Database

You can migrate only the trend data and integrated agent host data stored in Intelligent Integrated Management Database (only Trend data Management Database and integrated agent host managed DB are migrated).

You must make a backup on the source host and restore on the destination host where you set up Intelligent Integrated Management Database. The migration procedure is shown below.

  1. Install JP1/IM - Manager on the destination host.

  2. Back up the definition file on the source host.

    Back up the following definition files:

    • For physical hosts

      Definition file name

      File Path

      Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file

      • For Windows


      • For Linux



      • For Windows


      • For Linux


    • For logical hosts

      Definition file name

      File Path

      Cluster Environment Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file

      • For Windows


      • For Linux



      • For Windows


      • For Linux


  3. Back up Intelligent Integrated Management Database data files.

    Use the following procedure.

    Step 1: Stop JP1/IM - Manager services.

    For details about how to shut down, see 3.2 Stopping JP1/IM - Manager.

    Step 2: Stop servicing Intelligent Integrated Management Database.

    For Windows

    To stop Intelligent Integrated Management Database service and trend data management service, select [Control Panel]-[Management tools]-[Service] and then stop the trend data management service and Intelligent Integrated Management Database service.

    For Linux

    As JP1/IM - Manager goes down, Intelligent Integrated Management Database, and Trend Data Management services are also stopped. For details, see 3.2.2 In UNIX.

    Step 3: Back up Intelligent Integrated Management Database for migration using jimgndbbackup command-with TRANSF in the parameter -m.

    For details and examples of executing the jimgndbbackup command, see jimgndbbackup in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

    Step 4: Start Intelligent Integrated Management Database servicing.

    For Windows

    To start Intelligent Integrated Management Database service, start Intelligent Integrated Management Database service and Trend Data Management Service in order from [Control Panel]-[Management tools]-[Service] (There is a dependency. When you start the Trend Data Management Service, Intelligent Integrated Management Database service starts automatically.)

    For Linux

    As JP1/IM - Manager starts, Intelligent Integrated Management Database, and Trend Data Management Services are also started. For details, see 3.1.2 In UNIX.

    Step 5: Start JP1/IM - Manager services.

    For details about how to start JP1/IM - Manager services, see 3.1 Starting JP1/IM - Manager.

  4. Perform Intelligent Integrated Management Base migration.

    For details about migrating Intelligent Integrated Management Base, see 1.5.1(1) JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base).

  5. Copy Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file that you backed up from the source (or cluster environment Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file for logical hosts) to the destination host.

  6. Set up the Intelligent Integrated Management Database according to the contents of the Intelligent Integrated Management Database Setup File (in the case of a logical host, the Cluster Environment Intelligent Integrated Management Database Setup File) copied in step 5.

    For details about how to setup, see jimgndbsetup in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  7. Reflect the parameters that have been changed from the default in the postgresql.conf file backed up from the source to the postgresql.conf file in destination host.

  8. Restore Intelligent Integrated Management Database data files that you backed up at the source.

    Use the following procedure.

    Step 1: Verify that JP1/IM - Manager is out of service.

    For details about how to stop a when it is not stopped, see 3.2 Stopping JP1/IM - Manager.

    Step 2: Verify that Intelligent Integrated Management Database is Out of Service.

    The following shows how to stop the equipment when it is not stopped.

    For Windows

    To stop Intelligent Integrated Management Database service and trend data management service, select [Control Panel]-[Management tools]-[Service] and then stop the trend data management service and Intelligent Integrated Management Database service.

    For Linux

    As JP1/IM - Manager goes down, Intelligent Integrated Management Database, and Trend Data Management services are also stopped. For details, see 3.2.2 In UNIX.

    Step 3: Restore Intelligent Integrated Management Database for migration using jimgndbrestore command-specifying TRANSF in the parameter -m.

    For details and examples of executing the jimgndbrestore command, see jimgndbrestore in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

    Step 4: Start Intelligent Integrated Management Database servicing.

    For Windows

    To start Intelligent Integrated Management Database service, start Intelligent Integrated Management Database service and Trend Data Management Service in order from [Control Panel]-[Management tools]-[Service] (There is a dependency. When you start the Trend Data Management Service, Intelligent Integrated Management Database service starts automatically.)

    For Linux

    As JP1/IM - Manager starts, Intelligent Integrated Management Database, and Trend Data Management Services are also started. For details, see 3.1.2 In UNIX.

    Step 5: Start JP1/IM - Manager services.

    For details about how to start JP1/IM - Manager services, see 3.1 Starting JP1/IM - Manager.

    Step 6: Run jddupdatetree commandin New/Rebuild mode.

    For details about the jddupdatetree command, see jddupdatetree in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

(9) Migrating JP1/IM - Agent of integrated agent host

(a) Data migration between hosts

You can migrate an integrated agent host to a host with the same hostname. You can migrate performance data, JP1 event data, and definitions.

If you are migrating to a host with the same hostname, follow the steps in 1.1.2 Backing Up and Recovering of JP1/IM - Agent.

If you are migrating to a host with a different host name, follow the steps in 1.1.2 Backing Up and Recovering of JP1/IM - Agent, migrating to a host with the same host name, and then follow the steps in 2.2.1(3) Tasks when agent hostname is changed.

Note that if you change the hostname to a different one, performance data and JP1 events retrieved up to that point cannot be viewed.

(b) Referencing between JP1 Users

Performance data collected by JP1/IM - Agent and stored in JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) can be viewed by anyone in your JP1/IM - Manager's integrated operation viewer if you are a JP1 user accessible to IM management node to which the performance data is associated.

Since the JP1/IM - Agent does not store data that depends on JP1 users, there is no migration of data between JP1 users who log in to the Integrated Operations Viewer.

(c) About Migrating Existing JP1/PFM from other products

JP1/IM - Agent is a new product that collects performance data using a protocol that differs from JP1/PFM products that already exist. As a result, there is no way to migrate from JP1/PFM.

(10) Migrating an Integration Manager Host JP1/IM - Agent

(a) Migrating to Other Hosts

The procedure for migrating to another host is as follows:

  1. Migrate the definition file.

    Copy to the destination of the definition file of the source host.

  2. Change hostname and IP address following in 2.2.1(2)(i) Hostname given in the server certificate used in JP1/IM - Agent and 2.3.1(2)(d) IP address listed in the server certificate used by JP1/IM - Agent.

    Perform destination host-specific settings, such as those related to host name.

  3. Change to the target manager host according to 1.21.2(2)(a) Change Integrated manager to connect to (for Windows) (optional) and 2.19.2(2)(a) Change Integration manager to connect to (for Linux) (optional) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

    Update the connection information on the Unified Agent host side (the information connected to the source host) with the information on the destination host.

(b) Migrating to Other Hosts in a Cluster System

The procedure for migrating to another host is as follows:

After copying the source host's definition file to the destination and performing the destination host-specific settings (such as settings related to the host name), integrated agent host's connection information (the information that was connected to the source host) is updated to the destination host's information.

  1. Migrate the definition file.

    Copy to the destination of the definition file of the source host.

  2. Change hostname and IP address following Changing the hostname of the Integration Manager host in a cluster system" of 2.2.1(2)(i) Hostname given in the server certificate used in JP1/IM - Agent and Changing IP address of the Integration Manager Host in a Cluster System of 2.3.1(2)(d) IP address listed in the server certificate used by JP1/IM - Agent.

    Perform destination host-specific settings, such as those related to host name.

  3. Change to the target manager host according to 1.21.2(2)(a) Change Integrated manager to connect to (for Windows) (optional) and 2.19.2(2)(a) Change Integrated manager to connect to (for Linux) (optional) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

    Updates the connection information on integrated agent host (the information that was connected to the source host) to the information on the destination host.