
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

9.7.3 Applying the imported management information of IM Configuration Management to a system

After you have imported the management information of IM Configuration Management by executing the jcfimport command, perform the procedures described below to apply the imported management information.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Collecting host information

To collect host information:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the Host List or IM Configuration tab.

    The Host List page or IM Configuration page opens.

  2. From the tree pane, select a host.

    If the selected host has lower-order hosts, you can also select a host from the Lower Host Information list that is displayed when you click the Lower Host Information button. In this case, you can select multiple hosts at the same time.

  3. Use either of the following methods to collect host information:

    • From the menu bar, choose Operation and then Collect Host Information.

    • From the popup menu that opens when you right-click the mouse, choose Collect Host Information.

    When a message confirming collection of information from the selected host is issued, click Yes. Information is collected from the selected host.

(2) Applying the system hierarchy information

To apply the system hierarchy information:

(a) In an agent configuration

When the system hierarchy information is not applied, the tree in the IM Configuration tab in the IM Configuration Management window is displayed in gray.

Perform the following procedure to apply the system hierarchy information.

  1. From the menu bar in the IM Configuration Management window, choose Edit and then Edit Agent Configuration.

    The Edit Agent Configuration window opens.

  2. In the Edit IM Configuration window, check the Acquire update right check box.

    You can now edit the JP1/IM system configuration.

  3. Select the highest node in the tree (integrated manager) and use either of the following methods to change the integrated manager:

    • From the menu bar, choose Operation and then Exchange Hosts.

    • From the popup menu that opens when you right-click the mouse, choose Exchange Hosts.

    This step is not necessary if the exporting host is the same as the importing host.

  4. From the menu bar in the Edit Agent Configuration window, choose Operation and then Apply Agent Configuration.

    The system hierarchy information is applied to the actual system.

  5. Clear the Acquire update right check box.

If you are acquiring the current system hierarchy, this operation is not necessary. From the menu bar in the IM Configuration Management window, choose Edit and then Collect IM Configuration to acquire the current system hierarchy.

(b) In a remote configuration

Perform the following procedure to apply the system hierarchy information.

  1. From the menu bar in the IM Configuration Management window, choose Edit and then Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration.

    The Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window opens.

  2. In the Edit IM Configuration window, check the Acquire update right check box.

    You can now edit the JP1/IM system configuration.

  3. Select the highest node in the tree (integrated manager) and use either of the following methods to change the integrated manager:

    • From the menu bar, choose Operation and then Exchange Hosts.

    • From the popup menu that opens when you right-click the mouse, choose Exchange Hosts.

    This step is not necessary if the exporting host is the same as the importing host.

  4. From the menu bar in the Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window, choose Operation and then Apply Remote Monitoring Configuration.

    The system hierarchy information is applied to the actual system.

  5. Clear the Acquire update right check box.

If you are acquiring the current system hierarchy, this operation is not necessary. From the menu bar in the IM Configuration Management window, choose Edit and then Collect IM Configuration to acquire the current system hierarchy.

(3) Applying the profile information

Merely importing the management information of IM Configuration Management does not apply the configuration file to the system. Use either of the following methods to apply the configuration file:

For details about how to apply the configuration file, see 3.5.1(6) Applying edited information in configuration files in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

If you are acquiring a system's current profile information, there is no need to apply the profile information. You can simply batch-collect profiles. For details about how to collect profile lists, see 3.5.1(1) Collecting profile lists in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.