
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

10.1.1 Installation

Installing JP1/IM - Agent causes add-on programs provided by IM Exporter to be installed together.

For details on installing and uninstalling JP1/IM - Agent, see 1.3.1(3) Procedure of JP1/IM - Agent installation and 1.24.1(5) How to uninstall JP1/IM - Agent for Windows, 2.3.1(2) Procedure of JP1/IM - Agent installation and 2.22.1(4) Steps for uninstalling JP1/IM - Agent for Linux.

This section provides the information specific to the IM Exporter add-on programs.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Environment variables for initial settings

Before installing JP1/IM - Agent, you can use environment variables for initial settings to specify parameters required upon installation. For Windows, if you want to manually enter these parameters in the installer windows, you do not have to specify them before installation.

The following table lists and describes the environment variables for initial settings related to the IM Exporter add-on programs.

Environment variable



Default value


Specifies whether to enable Promitor services.

  • yes

    The Promitor services are enabled.

  • no

    The Promitor services are disabled.




Specifies whether to enable the Process exporter service.

  • yes

    The Process exporter service is enabled.

  • no

    The Process exporter service is disabled.




Specifies whether to enable the Script exporter service.

  • yes

    The Script exporter service is enabled.

  • no

    The Script exporter service is disabled.




If the environment variable is omitted, the default value is assumed.

(2) Installer for Windows

The window to enter the initial setting information shows whether the following Exporter services are currently enabled or disabled.

(3) Installer for Linux

The window that shows the installation confirmation message shows whether the following environment variables are enabled or disabled.