
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

1.3.1 Installation procedure (for Windows)

This subsection explains how to install JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/IM - View, and JP1/IM - Agent.

If you install JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/IM - Agent management base for using JP1/IM - Agent is also installed.

Organization of this subsection

(1) How to install JP1/IM - Manager

To install:

  1. Terminate all programs.

    Before you start the installation, terminate all programs.

    Stop the JP1/Base services.

    If you are performing an upgrade installation, stop the JP1/IM3-Manager service. If a JP1/IM - View is connected to the JP1/IM - Manager for which you want to perform an upgrade installation, the login user should log out from the JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Insert the distribution medium in the corresponding drive and start the installation.

    Follow the instructions of the installer, which starts automatically.

    Select the software you want to install, and then enter the following items:

    • User information

      Enter this information only if you are performing a new installation. If you are upgrading from a previous version of JP1/IM - Manager, the information specified for the previous version will be inherited.

    • Installation folders

      In an x64 environment, do not install JP1/IM under system-drive\Program Files\ (the Program Files folder without x86). Problems might occur during operation if JP1/IM is in the Program Files folder that contains 64-bit modules.

      The installation folders listed below are created when you install JP1/IM - Manager.

      Table 1‒1: Folders created during installation


      Folder that is created#1


      JP1/IM - Manager


      Stores JP1/IM - Manager information


      Stores Central Console information


      Stores Central Scope information

      #1: The default installation folder is system-drive:\Program Files\Hitachi. In Windows, this value might be different depending on the environment because the value of system-drive:\Program Files is determined by the setting of an OS environment variable at the time of installation.

      #2: If a previous version of JP1/IM - Manager was installed in a different folder, that installation folder is inherited and the folders listed above are not created.

      Note that the drive that is specified as the installation folder for JP1/IM - Manager must be a fixed disk.

  3. If you are prompted to restart the system, restart Windows.

    Windows must be restarted when Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library (HNTRLib2) is installed. For details, see 1.3.3 Notes about installing (for Windows).

    • If you have upgraded JP1/IM - Manager in an environment in which IM databases have already been set up, use the jimdbupdate command to update the IM databases. If the IM databases have not been updated, a warning message is displayed when JP1/IM - Manager starts.

    • You must specify a fixed disk as the drive for the JP1/IM - Manager installation folder. JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View must not be installed on a removable disk, network drive, or UNC path.

    • Do not specify folders such as those below for the installation destination folder. If these kinds of folders are specified, operation cannot be guaranteed.

      - Folder names that contain symbols (such as a semicolon (;), hash mark (#), single quotation mark ('), or percent sign (%))

      - Folder names that contain character codes other than the SJIS character code (such as JIS Third and Forth Levels)

      - Folders for drives other than fixed disks or UNC paths

    • When you install this product, make sure that the installation folder of this product (JP1IMM, JP1Cons, and JP1Scope) is not same as the installation folder of another product.

    • The top-level folders (JP1IMM, JP1Cons, and JP1Scope), subfolders, and files created by JP1/IM - Manager inherit the permissions of the destination folder. For this reason, we recommend that you do not grant the following privileges to OS users without administrator privileges to the installation-destination folder:

      - Full control

      - Change

      - Write

      - Special access permissions

    • For the volume on which JP1/IM - Manager will be installed and the volume on which the data of JP1/IM - Manager will be stored, it is necessary to create a short name (in 8.3 format). Before installing JP1/IM - Manager, check the OS settings to make sure short names can be created and they have not been removed, because creating short names may be disabled by default depending on the OS.

    • Installations to virtual disks created in memory area pools of Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2022 are not supported.

    • If you cancel installation during the installation process, some files may stay on the system, depending on the timing of the cancellation.

To perform encrypted communication with JP1/IM - Agent, perform the following steps related to JP1/IM - Agent management base.

  1. Setup server certificate and its key file.

    When performing cryptographic communication with integrated agent host, specify the full path of server certificate file to "tls_config.cert_file of imbase common configuration file (jpc_imbasecommon), and the full path of the key file of server certificate in "tls_config.key_file".

    For details, see "imbase common configuration file (jpc_imbasecommon.json)" (2. Definition File) in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference".

(2) How to install JP1/IM - View

To install:

  1. Terminate all programs.

    Before you start the installation, terminate all programs.

  2. Insert the distribution medium in the corresponding drive and start the installation.

    Follow the instructions of the installer, which starts automatically.

    Select the software you want to install, and then enter the following items:

    • User information

      Enter this information only if you are performing a new installation.

    • Installation folders

      In an x64 environment, do not install JP1/IM under system-drive\Program Files\ (the Program Files folder that is not x86 compatible). Problems might occur during operation if JP1/IM is in the Program Files folder that contains 64-bit modules.

      The installation folders listed below are created when you install JP1/IM - View.

      Table 1‒2: Folders created during installation


      Folder that is created#1


      JP1/IM - View


      Stores JP1/IM - View information

      #1: The default installation folder is system-drive:\Program Files\Hitachi. In Windows, this value might be different depending on the environment because the value of system-drive:\Program Files is determined by the setting of an OS environment variable at the time of installation.

      #2: If an old version of JP1/IM - View was installed in a different folder, that installation folder is inherited and the default folder listed above is not created.

      Note that the drive that is specified as the installation folder for JP1/IM - View must be a fixed disk.

  3. If you are prompted to restart the system, restart Windows.

    Windows must be restarted when Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library (HNTRLib2) is installed. For details, see 1.3.3 Notes about installing (for Windows).

  • You must specify a fixed disk as the drive for the JP1/IM - View installation folder. JP1/IM - View must not be installed on a removable disk, network drive, or UNC path.

  • Do not specify folders such as those below for the installation destination folder. If these kinds of folders are specified, operation cannot be guaranteed.

    - Folder names that contain symbols (such as a semicolon (;), hash mark (#), single quotation mark ('), or percent sign (%))

    - Folder names that contain character codes other than the SJIS character code (such as JIS Third and Forth Levels)

  • It will not be possible to upgrade JP1/IM - View if it is installed anywhere other than on a fixed disk.

  • Do not install JP1/IM - View (JP1CoView) and other products in the same folder.

  • The top-level folders (JP1CoView), lower-level folders, and files created by JP1/IM-View inherit the permissions of the destination folder. For this reason, we recommend that you do not grant the following privileges to OS users without administrator privileges to the installation-destination folder:

    - Full control

    - Change

    - Write

    - Special access permissions

  • To install to Windows 10(x86) or Windows 11, do not specify a directory under system-drive:\Program Files\WindowsApps as the installation destination. As an administrator user cannot write to the above folder, the installation fails.

(3) Procedure of JP1/IM - Agent installation

(a) Information required before installation

If you are installing JP1/IM - Agent newly, you need the following: Prepare before installation.

Table 1‒3: Information required for a new installation


Needing to specify


Install destination folder


Specify the install destination folder.

Specify a folder according to the following conditions: If it is installed in any other folders, it will not work properly.

Characters can be specified in the following: single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, single-byte hyphens (-), single-byte underscores (_), single-byte backslash (\)#1, and single-byte colons (:)#2.

#1: Indicates the characters used to separate folders. Cannot be used as a folder name.

#2: Characters used to separate drives and folders. Cannot be used as a folder name.

Host name of the install destination JP1/IM - Manager


Specifies the host name of the manager host that manages integrated agent to be installed. The name must be resolved to IP address.

Listen port for imbase processes


Specifies the listen port for imbase processes running on the manager host to connect, from 5001 to 65535.

When this is omitted, imbase default port (20724) is used.

Listen port for imbaseproxy processes


Specifies the listen port for imbaseproxy processes running on the manager host to connect, from 5001 to 65535.

When this is omitted, imbaseproxy default port (20725) is used.

Initial secret to connect to imbase for the first time


Specifies initial secret to connect to imbase process running on the manager host to connect for the first time.

Check from integrated operation viewer.

URL of proxy


If you are connecting to the manager host through a proxy server, specify the proxy URL in "http://host:port" format. The default for when this is omitted is an empty string.

User ID for proxy authentication


When connecting to the manager host, specify ID for authentication of the proxy server when passing through the proxy server.

The characters that can be specified are the characters in ASCII encoding 0x20 to 0x7E.

You can specify up to 1007-charaters-long string.

The default for when this is omitted is an empty string.

Password for proxy authentication


When connecting to the manager host, specify password for authentication of the proxy server when passing through the proxy server.

The characters that can be specified are the characters in ASCII encoding 0x20 to 0x7E.

You can specify up to 1007-charaters-long string.

The default for when this is omitted is an empty string.

Functions to be used


Allows you to select the function that you use in JP1/IM - Agent. A new install setup the service for the feature you use to start automatically.

(b) Install instructions

Follow the procedure below to install.

  1. Login agent host with administrator privileges.

    You must have Administrators privilege to complete the install process.

  2. Install JP1/IM - Agent.

    There are two ways to install JP1/IM - Agent:

    • To install by setting the offered media on the drive

    • To install by downloading JP1/IM - Agent packages registered to the manager host from Integrated Operation Viewer#


    For the procedure for downloading JP1/IM - Agent package, refer to 1.19.4(3) How to Download JP1/IM - Agent Package

  3. Setup the environment variables for default settings for the host to be installed.

    - For silent or remote installations (mandatory)

    The parameters required for installation must be setup in the environment variable # beforehand.

    - For a typical installation (optional)

    You can Setup the values of parameters that you setup on the installer, except for user name, its membership, and install destination folder, by environment variable #in advance.

    You do not need to setup the environment variables if you wish to enter it manually on the display of installer.


    For details environment variable, see 1.3.1(3)(c) Initialization environment variable used by the installer

  4. Terminate all programs.

    Close all programs before installing.

    Stop JP1/IM - Agent servicing before the version upgrade installing.

  5. Install JP1/IM - Agent by executing the downloaded JP1/IM - Agent installer.

    Follow the instructions in the installer that you launched.

    Select the software to install, and then type the following: Select "Normal installation mode" for the installation mode.

    • User Information

      Enter this item only for a new installation.

      If you upgraded from a previous Version of JP1/IM - Agent, it will inherit settings from the previous version.

    • Installation destination folder

      Do not install the software under "System-drive\Program Files (x86)\" (Program files folders with x86). Mixing with 32-bit modules may cause operational problems.

      When you install JP1/IM - Agent, the following installation folder is created:


      Folders to be created#1


      JP1/IM - Agent


      JP1/IM - Agent data is stored.

      #1: The default value of the installation folder is "system-drive:\Program Files\Hitachi". In Windows, the notation "system-drive:\Program Files" is determined by OS environment variable when it was installed. Therefore, it may vary depending on the environment.

      #2: If the old version of JP1/IM - Agent was installed in a different folder, the folder where the old version was installed is inherited. In this case, the folder shown above will not be created.

      Note that only fixed-disk drives can be specified as JP1/IM - Agent installation destination folders.

  6. If restart is requested, restart Windows.

  7. After the install completed, make the required setup changes.

    Make the required setup change described in 1.21.2 Change settings in JP1/IM - Agent. The mandatory setups should be performed for sure.

    • Only fixed-disk drives can be specified as JP1/IM - Agent installation destination folders. It cannot be installed on removable disks, network drives, or UNC paths.

    • For the folder where JP1/IM - Agent is installed, specify a folder according to the following criteria. If it is installed in any other folders, it will not work properly.

      - Characters can be specified in the following: single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, single-byte hyphens (-), single-byte underscores (_), single-byte backslash (\) #1, and single-byte colons (:)#2.

      #1: Indicates the characters used to separate folders. Cannot be used as a folder name.

      #2: Indicates the characters used to separate drives and folders. Cannot be used as a folder name.

    • The folder (jp1ima) where JP1/IM - Agent is installed should not be the same as the folder where other products are installed.

    • The top-level folders (jp1ima), lower-level folders, and files created by JP1/IM-Agent inherit the permissions of the destination folder. For this reason, we recommend that you do not grant the following privileges to OS users without administrator privileges to the installation-destination folder:

      - Full control

      - Change

      - Write

      - Special access permissions

    • Installing on a virtual disk created in Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2022 storage pools is not supported.

    • If you cancel installing, files may remain depending on the timing.

    • If you have changed initial secret after you installed JP1/IM - Agent control base before the first boot of JP1/IM - Agent control base on integrated agent host, you must uninstall and reinstall integrated agent.

(c) Initialization environment variable used by the installer

The following are Environment variable for initial setup for installer of JP1/IM - Agent.

For details about the environment variables for the initial setup used by IM Exporter's add-on program, see "10.1.1(1)Environment variables for initial settings".

Table 1‒4: List of Environment variables for initial setup used by JP1/IM - Agent installer


Environment Variables

Whether or not to omit

Explanation of Value

Defaults value

JP1/IM - Agent installation mode


Not possible

  • Normal

    Normal installation mode

    Select this option when operating in an installed environment.

  • Image

    Image creation mode

    Select in the following cases:

    - If you make an installed deployment virtual image and you want to operate with the new instance from the virtual machine image.

    - To create a base container image


You must complete the initial setup by using jimasetup command before starting operation.

For details, see "jimasetup" (1. Command) in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference".


Host name of the manager host to connect to


Not possible

Specifies Host name of the manager host to connect that manages integrated agent to be newly installed.


Listen Port number for imbase



Specifies the listen Port number for imbase processes running on the manager host to connect, between 5001 and 65535.

If this environment variable is omitted, the default value is assumed for the initial setup.


Listen Port number for imbaseproxy



Specifies the listen Port number for imbaseproxy processes running on the manager host to connect, between 5001 and 65535.

If this environment variable is omitted, the default Value is assumed for the initial setup.


Initial secret


Not possible

Specifies initial secret to initially connect to imbase process running on the manager host to connect.

Check initial secret from integrated operation viewer.


Proxy URL of connect destination



If you are connecting to the manager host through a proxy server, specify the proxy URL in "http://host:port" format.

If this environment variable is omitted, default setup is performed assuming that the proxy is not used.


Proxy authentication customer ID



If you are connecting to the manager host through a proxy server, specify user ID for the proxy server's authentication.

If the environment variable JP1/IM - AGENT_IMMGR_PROXY_URL is omitted, the system ignores this environment variable even if it is setup.


Proxy authentication password



If you are connecting to the manager host through a proxy server, specify Password for the proxy server's authentication.

If the environment variable JP1/IM - AGENT_IMMGR_PROXY_URL or environment variableJP1/IM - AGENT_IMMGR_PROXY_USER is omitted, the system ignores this environment variable even if it is setup.


Enable or disable Setup of Prometheus server and Alertmanager



Specifies whether Prometheus server, Alertmanager are Enabled.

  • Yes

    Turn Enable Prometheus server and Alertmanager

  • No

    Disable Prometheus server and Alertmanager

If this environment variable is omitted, the default value is assumed and the initial setup is performed.


Enable or disable Setup of Node exporter



Specifies whether Node exporter is Enabled.

  • Yes

    Enable Node exporter

  • No

    Disable Node exporter

This environment variable is Setup only for Linux. This is ignored when set in Windows.

If this environment variable is omitted, the default Value is assumed and the initial Setup is performed.


Enable or disable Setup of Windows exporter



Specifies whether Windows exporter is Enabled.

  • Yes

    Enable Windows exporter

  • No

    Disable Windows exporter

This environment-variable is Setup only for Windows. This is ignored when set in Linux.

If this environment variable is omitted, the default Value is assumed and the initial Setup is performed.


Enable or disable Setup of Blackbox exporter



Specifies whether Blackbox exporter is Enabled.

  • Yes

    Enable Blackbox exporter

  • No

    Disable Blackbox exporter

If this environment variable is omitted, the default Value is assumed and the initial Setup is performed.


Enable or disable Setup of Yet another cloudwatch exporter



Specifies whether Yet another CloudWatch exporter is Enabled.

  • Yes

    Enable Yet another cloudwatch exporter

  • No

    Disable Yet another cloudwatch exporter

If this environment variable is omitted, the default Value is assumed and the initial Setup is performed.


Enable or disable Setup of Fluentd



Specifies whether Fluentd is Enabled.

  • Yes

    Enable Fluentd

  • No

    Disable Fluentd

If this environment variable is omitted, the default Value is assumed and the initial Setup is performed.


(4) About the types of installation

Upgrade installation

If you are upgrading from an old version, first read the notes about upgrading that you will find in 15.2 Upgrading from a previous version of JP1/IM in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

About the program folder displayed in the Start menu
  • If you perform upgrade installation, the program folder for the product you are upgrading is retained without a change of name in the Select Program Folder window.

    If you do not want to use the displayed program folder, enter a new program folder name in the Select Program Folder window.

  • If you perform upgrade installation via JP1/Software Distribution, the program folder for the product you are upgrading is retained without a change of name. If you want to change the program folder name, manually change it after upgrade installation.

  • If you manually changed the program folder for the product from which you perform a version upgrade install, the program folder is not deleted after performing the version upgrade install of JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/IM - View, and JP1/IM - Agent. If you don't need the program folder, delete it manually after the version upgrade install has been completed.

If a shortcut is set in a program folder on the product before an upgrade
  • If you changed the program folder name, the shortcut set on the product before the upgrade is not inherited. If you want to use the shortcut on the product before the upgrade, set a shortcut for the program folder after the upgrade. The shortcut remains for the program folder you used on the product before the upgrade. However, if the shortcut is no longer necessary, delete it.

Before performing a version upgrade install, follow these procedures:

- For JP1/IM - Manager

  • Stop the service (Service name: JP1_Console) of JP1/IM - Central Console.

  • If you have specified a logical host, stop the service(Service name: JP1_Console_Logical host name) of JP1/IM - Manger on the logical host.

  • Close the window if Services window or a service on Manage Computer window is displayed.

- For JP1/IM - Agent

  • If Logical host service is running, stop the service and then execute the version upgrade installation. If you execute the version upgrade installation while Logical host service is running, file used by Logical host service may be deleted and the service may terminate abnormally.

After performing a version upgrade install, make sure you restart the computer.

Remote installation using JP1/NETM/DM, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 and Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution

JP1/IM supports remote installation (software distribution) using JP1/NETM/DM, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 and Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution, and you can perform a new installation as well as an upgrade installation of JP1/IM. See JP1/NETM/DM, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 or Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Manual for more information.The following remote installation methods are available:

- Update installation

- For JP1/IM - Manager

The product is installed in the same folder as that of a JP1/IM - Manager instance that has already been installed. The setting information of the JP1/IM - Manager instance that has already been installed is inherited. If JP1/IM - Manager is not installed, updating installation cannot be performed.

- For JP1/IM - Agent

Install it in the same folders as the installed JP1/IM - Agent. Setup of the installed JP1/IM - Agent is inherited. If JP1/IM - Agent is not installed, updating installation cannot be performed.

- New installation

When using the default value for the drive and folder, the product is newly installed.

- For JP1/IM - Manager

  • "system-drive:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1IMM" folder

  • " system-drive:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1Cons" folder

  • " system-drive:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1Scope" folder

- For JP1/IM - Agent

  • "system-drive:\Program Files\HITACHI\jp1ima" folder

When specifying only the drive, the product is installed on the specified drive directly.

When specifying the folder, JP1/IM - Manager is installed in the specified folder.

For details about the actual method and operation, see the manual of JP1/NETM/DM, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2, or Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution. When you package this software product, you must use the packager of JP1/NETM/DM 09-00 or later, Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution 09-00 or later, or JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. Note that JP1/NETM/DM is only sold in Japan.