
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

4.12.4 Examples of specifying direct access URLs

This subsection describes some examples of specifying direct access URLs.

Note that if you have changed the port number on which HTTP communication is received in the Intelligent Integrated Management Base service, change the port number 20703 in the definition example to the changed one. In addition, if you use the communication encryption function of JP1/IM - Manager to encrypt communications between your Web browser and the Intelligent Integrated Management Base, change http to https.

Organization of this subsection

(1) When you make access by specifying the Event detail dialog box

What window is displayed

The Event detail dialog box appears with the IM management node having the applicable seqno (serial number) selected.


(2) When you make access by selecting a tab

What window is displayed

The specified tab is displayed with the IM management node having the applicable seqno (serial number) selected.

The Related node tab is specified in the above URL.


(3) When you make access by specifying a tab and the Event detail dialog box

What window is displayed

The specified tab is displayed with the IM management node having the applicable seqno (serial number) selected, and the Event detail dialog box also appears.

The Trends tab is specified in the above URL.


(4) Examples of defining automated actions

The following provides examples of using the direct access URL through the automated action function.

Example 1

In the Integrated Operation Viewer window, you send an email notification containing the URL for checking the business impact of a specific IM management node, to the person in charge (userA) via an automated action.

When the email recipient clicks the URL in the email body, the direct access URL function displays the Integrated Operation Viewer window, with the Job flow tab open.

Email definitions



Email subject: Check the impact on your business

Email body: http://host-name-of-the-Intelligent-Integrated-Management-server:20703/index?seqno=73&tab=job&eou=1

Command definition example
jimmail.exe -to -s "Check the impact on your business" -b "http://$ACTHOST:20703/index?seqno=$EVSEQNO&tab=job&eou=1"
Example 2

In the Integrated Operation Viewer window of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base, you send an email notification containing the URL for checking the Event detail dialog box on the applicable node, to the person in charge (userA) via an automated action when a failure occurs.

When the email recipient clicks the URL in the email body, the direct access URL function displays the Integrated Operation Viewer window, with the Event detail dialog box open.

Email definitions



Email subject: [Severity:Error] Failure Notification

Email body: http://host-name-of-the-Intelligent-Integrated-Management-server:20703/index?seqno=74&detail=1&eou=1

Command definition example
jimmail.exe -to -s "[Severity:$EVSEV] Failure Notification" -b "http://$ACTHOST:20703/index?seqno=$EVSEQNO&dialog=detail&eou=1"