
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

3.2.4 Editing the system hierarchy

Perform the following procedure to change a system hierarchy (IM configuration).

  1. Use IM Configuration Management - View to edit an agent configuration or a remote monitoring configuration.

  2. Obtain update rights.

  3. Apply the new system hierarchy to the system.

  4. Cancel update rights.

See below for details.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Using IM Configuration Management - View to edit an agent configuration or a remote monitoring configuration

The following describes how to edit an agent configuration or a remote monitoring configuration.

You can change an agent configuration by adding, moving, and deleting hosts. You can change a remote monitoring configuration by adding and deleting hosts.

Use the following windows to edit an agent configuration or a remote monitoring configuration.

Editing an agent configuration

Use the Edit Agent Configuration window. For details about the Edit Agent Configuration window, see 5.6 Edit Agent Configuration window in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

Editing a remote monitoring configuration

Use the Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window. For details about the Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window, see 5.8 Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

(a) Adding hosts

To add hosts:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the Host List or IM Configuration tab.

    The Host List page or the IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. Display the editing window.

    When editing an agent configuration

    In the IM Configuration Management window, from the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Agent Configuration to display the Edit Agent Configuration window.

    When editing a remote monitoring configuration

    In the IM Configuration Management window, from the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration to display the Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window.

  3. From the tree area of the Edit IM Configuration window, choose the higher host under which a host is to be added.

    Lower Host Information displays information about the hosts already under the selected host. Host List displays information about the hosts that can be added to the selected host.

  4. Use one of the following methods to register a host:

    • In the editing window, in the Host List section, select the host to be added and drag it to the tree area.

    • In the editing window, from the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Add Host.

      The Select Hosts window appears. From the hosts displayed in Select host(s):, select the host (or hosts) to be added, and then move them to the list of Selected host(s):. When you have finished selecting hosts, click the OK button.

    • In the editing window, right-click on the host to be added (icon) to display a pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose Add Host.

      The Select Hosts window appears. From the hosts displayed in Select host(s):, select the host (or hosts) to be added, and then move them to the list of Selected host(s):. When you have finished selecting hosts, click the OK button.

    For details about the Select Hosts window, see 5.5 Select Hosts window in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

(b) Moving hosts

The following describes how to move hosts in an agent configuration to set the hierarchy of a manager and agents. You cannot move hosts in a remote monitoring configuration.

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the Host List or IM Configuration tab.

    The Host List page or the IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. To move an agent host, from the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Agent Configuration.

    The Edit Agent Configuration window appears.

  3. In the Edit Agent Configuration window, in the tree area, select the host to be moved, and use one of the following methods to move the host:

    • Drag the host to the desired level in the tree area.

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Cut. In the tree area, select the host under which you want to move the target host. From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Paste.

    • In the tree area, right-click to display a pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose Cut. In the tree area, select the host under which you want to move the target host. Right-click again to display a pop-up menu, and choose Paste.

    If you move a higher host, its lower hosts also move.

    The hosts at the destination depend on the selected hosts. For details about the range of hosts that can be selected, see 8.2.5 Editing the system hierarchy in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

(c) Deleting hosts

To delete hosts:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the Host List or IM Configuration tab.

    The Host List page or the IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. Display the editing window.

    When editing an agent configuration

    From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Agent Configuration to display the Edit Agent Configuration window.

    When editing a remote monitoring configuration

    From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration to display the Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window.

  3. In the editing window, in the tree area, select the host to be deleted, and then use one of the following methods to delete the host:

    • In the tree area, select the host to be deleted and drag it to the Host List section.

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Delete Host.

    • In the tree area, right-click to display a pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose Delete Host.

    The selected host is deleted from the configuration definition information of JP1/IM.

    If you delete a higher host, its lower hosts are also deleted at the same time.

When you delete a host from an agent configuration and apply the new agent configuration to the system, the profile lists of JP1/Base stored on the manager are cleared, and the manager obtains the profile trees active on the agents again. As a result, all the unapplied profiles stored on the manager are deleted. Also, when you delete a host from a remote monitoring configuration and apply the new remote monitoring configuration to the system, all the remote monitoring profiles are deleted.

After you delete a host from a system hierarchy, before you apply the new system hierarchy to the system, change the event transfer settings of the deleted host in the profile so that JP1 events will not be transferred. If you do not change the settings, the configuration information retained by the deleted agent remains in the profile managed by IM Configuration Management after the new system hierarchy is applied. As a result, the JP1 events generated on the deleted agent continue to be sent to the higher-level host.

Use either of the following methods to stop the transfer of JP1 events from the deleted agent.

  1. Before you apply the new system hierarchy, in the event transfer configuration file in the profiles managed by IM Configuration Management, change the settings related to the transfer of JP1 events so that JP1 events will not be transferred (for example, by inserting a comment).

  2. Before you change a system hierarchy or after you apply the new system hierarchy, execute the jbsrt_del command on the deleted agent.

If the method for applying the system hierarchy is the batch distribution method (with deleted configurations), the system hierarchy is deleted and then is applied. For details about methods for applying the system hierarchy, see 8.2.6 Applying the system hierarchy in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

(d) Replacing hosts

To replace hosts:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the Host List tab or the IM Configuration tab.

    The Host List page or the IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. Display the editing window.

    When editing an agent configuration

    From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Agent Configuration to display the Edit Agent Configuration window.

    When editing a remote monitoring configuration

    From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration to display the Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window.

  3. In the editing window, in the tree area, select the host to be replaced, and then use either of the following methods to display the Exchange Hosts dialog box:

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Exchange Hosts.

    • In the tree area, right-click to display a pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose Exchange Hosts.

    The selected host appears in the Host before the exchange box in the Exchange Hosts dialog box.

  4. In the Exchange Hosts dialog box, in the Host after the exchange box, enter the host that replaces the selected host.

    The host selected in step 3 is replaced by the host specified in step 4.

(e) Setting a site manager

The following describes how to set a host as a site manager.

■ Settings on the integrated manager host

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the Host List tab or the IM Configuration tab.

    The Host List page or the IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Agent Configuration.

    The Edit Agent Configuration window appears.

  3. In the tree area, select the host you want to set as a site manager.

  4. Use either of the following methods to set the host as a site manager:

    • In the Edit Agent Configuration window, from the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Base Manager Settings.

    • In the Edit Agent Configuration window, in the tree area, right-click to display a pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose Base Manager Settings.

■ Settings on the site manager host

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the Host List tab or the IM Configuration tab.

    The Host List page or the IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Agent Configuration.

    The Edit Agent Configuration window appears.

  3. In the Edit Agent Configuration window, in the tree area, select the host you want to set as a site manager.

  4. Use either of the following methods to set the host as a site manager:

    • In the Edit Agent Configuration window, from the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Base Manager Settings.

    • In the Edit Agent Configuration window, in the tree area, right-click to display a pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose Base Manager Settings.

(f) Removing a site manager

The following describes how to release the setting of a host as a site manager.

■ Settings on the integrated manager host

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the Host List tab or the IM Configuration tab.

    The Host List page or the IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Agent Configuration.

    The Edit Agent Configuration window appears.

  3. In the tree area, select the host you want to remove as a site manager.

  4. Use either of the following methods to release the settings:

    • In the Edit Agent Configuration window, from the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Release Base Manager Settings.

    • In the Edit Agent Configuration window, in the tree area, right-click to display a pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose Release Base Manager Settings.

■ Settings on the site manager host

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the Host List tab or the IM Configuration tab.

    The Host List page or the IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Agent Configuration.

    The Edit Agent Configuration window appears.

  3. In the Edit Agent Configuration window, in the tree area, select the host you want to remove as a site manager.

  4. Use either of the following methods to remove the host as a site manager:

    • In the Edit Agent Configuration window, from the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Release Base Manager Settings.

    • In the Edit Agent Configuration window, in the tree area, right-click to display a pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, choose Release Base Manager Settings.

(2) Obtaining update rights

The following describes how to obtain update rights.

When editing an agent configuration

In the Edit Agent Configuration window, select the Acquire update right check box.

When editing a remote monitoring configuration

In the Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window, select the Acquire update right check box.

With update rights, you can now apply the new system hierarchy (IM configuration) to the system. Note that while you are editing a system hierarchy with the Acquire update right check box selected, other users are not able to apply their system hierarchies.

(3) Applying a system hierarchy to a system managed by IM Configuration Management

To apply the system hierarchy to the system that is managed by IM Configuration Management: If you want to apply an agent configuration to the system, JP1/Base must be running on all the agents in the agent configuration and all the agents to be deleted.

When editing an agent configuration

In the Edit Agent Configuration window, from the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Apply Agent Configuration.

The configuration definition information edited in the Edit Agent Configuration window is distributed to the manager and agents.

When editing a remote monitoring configuration

In the Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window, from the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Apply Remote Monitoring Configuration.

The configuration is updated with the configuration definition information edited in the Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window.

Because remote monitoring configurations are managed by the integrated manager or site managers, the configuration definition information is not distributed to managed hosts.

The result of applying the system hierarchy is displayed in a dialog box. You can check the resulting system hierarchy on the IM Configuration page in the IM Configuration Management window. If applying the system hierarchy fails, see 12.5.3(36) Actions to take when IM Configuration Management fails to apply the system hierarchy in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide and apply the system hierarchy again. If application fails again, all the host icons in the tree area of the IM Configuration page indicate an error.

If a new remote monitoring configuration is applied but a new agent configuration is not applied, the system hierarchies are displayed in gray in the tree area of the IM Configuration page. When you apply a remote monitoring configuration, make sure that you apply the new agent configuration.

When you use a site manager to manage agents or remotely managed hosts, perform the following procedure to apply an agent configuration or a remote monitoring configuration.

  1. On the site manager, open the configuration editing window. From the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Apply Agent Configuration or Apply Remote Monitoring Configuration.

  2. On the integrated manager, open the configuration editing window. From the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Apply Agent Configuration or Apply Remote Monitoring Configuration.

  3. On the integrated manager, open the IM Configuration Management window. From the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Synchronize IM Configuration.

  4. On the site manager, open the IM Configuration Management window. From the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Collect IM Configuration.

If you want to change the agent configuration or the remote monitoring configuration managed by a site manager, perform the following procedure.

  1. On the site manager, open the configuration editing window. From the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Apply Agent Configuration or Apply Remote Monitoring Configuration.

  2. On the integrated manager, open the IM Configuration Management window. From the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Synchronize IM Configuration.

  3. On the site manager, open the IM Configuration Management window. From the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Collect IM Configuration.

    However, this step is not necessary if you did not choose Apply Agent Configuration in step 1.

If you do not perform the above procedure, the configuration definition information held by JP1/Base on the site manager host does not match the configuration definition information stored in the IM Configuration Management database. In such cases, the system hierarchy is displayed in gray in the tree area in the IM Configuration Management window when you choose Operation from the menu bar and then Verify IM Configuration or you restart the JP1/IM - Manager service.

If the method for applying the system hierarchy is the batch distribution method (with deleted configurations) and Apply Agent Configuration is run on the site manager, events are no longer forwarded because the system hierarchy held by the site manager is deleted and then is applied.

If you want the site manager to apply the new IM configuration after the integrated manager applies the new IM configuration, perform the following procedure.

  1. On the integrated manager, open the IM Configuration Management window. From the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Synchronize IM Configuration.

  2. On the site manager, execute the jevreload command.

  3. On the site manager, open the IM Configuration Management window. From the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Collect IM Configuration.

The supported methods for applying agent configurations include the batch distribution method (with deleted configurations) and the batch distribution method (without deleted configurations). For details about the methods for applying the system hierarchy, see 8.2.6 Applying the system hierarchy in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

(4) Canceling update rights

Perform the following procedure to cancel update rights.

When editing an agent configuration

In the Edit Agent Configuration window, clear the Acquire update right check box.

When editing a remote monitoring configuration

In the Edit Remote Monitoring Configuration window, clear the Acquire update right check box.

Other users will now be able to apply their system hierarchies.