
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

3.2.3 Verifying the system hierarchy

To verify whether the configuration definition information collected from all hosts that constitute the system matches the configuration definition information maintained by IM Configuration Management:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the Host List or IM Configuration tab.

    The Host List page or the IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. On the Host List page or the IM Configuration page, from the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Verify IM Configuration.

    When a confirmation message asking whether you wish to verify the configuration definition information is displayed, choose Yes.

When you execute verification of configuration definition information, the system collects configuration definition information for the selected hosts and verifies whether it matches the configuration definition information maintained by IM Configuration Management.

If the configuration definition information (agent configuration) held by JP1/Base installed on the manager running IM Configuration Management does not match the configuration definition information stored in the IM Configuration Management database, the icon of the selected host in the tree area of the IM Configuration page in the IM Configuration Management window indicates an error.

If verification fails, a host icon indicating the error status is displayed in the tree area on the IM Configuration page in the Configuration Management window.

If the version of JP1/Base running on the host is before version 9, JP1/Base does not support verification of system hierarchies (IM configurations). In such cases, the host icon in the tree area of the IM Configuration page in the IM Configuration Management window indicates an undetermined configuration.

If JP1/Base on the manager does not have configuration definition information or the configuration definition information of JP1/Base does not match the configuration definition information stored in the IM Configuration Management database, verification by the manager results in an error and the processing is canceled. As a result, the system hierarchy is displayed in gray in the tree area of the IM Configuration page.