
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

2.5 Preparations for using functions

To use a specific JP1/IM - Manager function, you must complete preparations appropriate to the type of function. The following methods are available for performing the preparations:

The table below describes the prerequisite functions, preparations, and configuration methods for using each JP1/IM - Manager function. The settings that are not discussed in this table do not need to be specified because JP1/IM - Manager functions use their initial values. For details about the settings for each function, such as event conditions, see the details for the corresponding function.

Table 2‒5: Prerequisite functions, preparations, and configuration methods for using the IM database


Prerequisite function

Preparation for using the function

2.6 Functions provided by the IM database

  • Integrated monitoring database


Specify information such as the size and storage location of the IM database.

  • Physical hosts

    Setup information file (jimdbsetupinfo.conf)

  • Logical hosts

    Cluster setup information file (jimdbclustersetupinfo.conf)

Set up the IM database by using the following command:

  • jcodbsetup command

Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option:-db ON)

2.6 Functions provided by the IM database

  • IM Configuration Management database


Specify information such as the size and storage location of the IM database.

  • Physical hosts

    Setup information file (jimdbsetupinfo.conf)

  • Logical hosts

    Cluster setup information file (jimdbclustersetupinfo.conf)

Set up the IM database by using the following command:

  • jcfdbsetup command

Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -cf ON)


--: Not applicable

Table 2‒6: Prerequisite functions, preparations, and configuration methods for using the Intelligent Integrated Management Base


Prerequisite function

Preparation for using the function

2.6 Functions provided by the IM database

  • Integrated monitoring database


Specify information such as the size and storage location of the IM database.

  • Physical hosts

    Setup information file (jimdbsetupinfo.conf)

  • Logical hosts

    Cluster setup information file (jimdbclustersetupinfo.conf)

Set up the IM database by using the following command:

  • jcodbsetup command

Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -db ON)

2.8 Deploying and providing Intelligent Integrated Management Database function

  • Trend data Management Database

  • Integrated agent host Administration Database

  • Response Action results management database


Set Intelligent Integrated Management Database size or storage location, etc.

  • For physical hosts

    Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file (jimgndbsetupinfo.conf)

  • For logical hosts

    Cluster Environment Intelligent Integrated Management Database Cluster Setup Information File (jimgndbclustersetupinfo.conf)

  • For physical and logical hosts

    Intelligent Integrated Management Database configuration file (postgresql.conf)

Set up Intelligent Integrated Management Database with the following command:

  • Jimgndbsetup Commands

3.1 System management based on the system configuration information and JP1 events

Integrated monitoring database

Mapping of event source hosts

Enable the function by using the following commands:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -dd ON)

  • jcoimdef command (option: -hostmap ON)

3.5 Integrated system monitoring using IM management nodes



3.6 Operation using WebGUI (integrated operation viewer)



3.10 Event management



3.11Related node display function



3.12 Trend data display function



3.13 Distribution get capabilities (file download capabilities)



3.14 Linking with other products (Intelligent Integrated Management Base)


Collect the system configuration information of a linked product by using the following commands:

  • jddcreatetree command

  • jddupdatetree command

7. Automatic execution and manual execution of response action (JP1/IM - Agent linkage)



Table 2‒7: Prerequisite functions, preparations, and configuration methods for using the Central Console


Prerequisite function

Preparation for using the function

4.1.1 Monitoring from the Central Console



4.1.4 Restrictions on viewing and operating business groups

Integrated monitoring database

IM Configuration Management

Event-source-host mapping

Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -bizmonmode ON)

4.2.2 Event acquisition filter



4.2.3 Event receiver filter



4.2.4 Severe events filter



4.2.5 View filter



4.2.6 Defining filter conditions

  • Common exclusion conditions (basic mode)


Use the following command to change from extended mode to basic mode:

jcochcefmode command (option: -m normal)

4.2.6 Defining filter conditions

  • Common exclusion conditions (extended mode)


Change JP1/Base regular expressions to extended regular expressions. For details, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

Use the following command to change from basic mode to extended mode:

  • jcochcefmode command (option: -m extended)

4.3 Issue of correlation events


Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -egs ON)

4.4 Suppressing display of repeated events

Integrated monitoring database

Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -storm ON)

4.4.10 Suppressing repeated-event display by the consolidated display of repeated events


Disable the repeated event monitoring suppression function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -storm OFF)

Enable the function in the following window:

  • Preferences window

4.5 Suppressing monitoring of a large number of events

Integrated monitoring database

Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -storm ON)

4.6 Searching for events



4.7 Changing the event level (severity) of JP1 events

Integrated monitoring database

Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -chsev ON)

4.8 Changing the message display format

Integrated monitoring database


4.9 Mapping of the event source hosts

Integrated monitoring database

Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -hostmap ON)

4.10 Event guide function



4.11 Setting memo entries

Integrated monitoring database

Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -memo ON)

4.12 Adding program-specific attributes



4.13 Displaying program-specific extended attributes and specifying them in event conditions



4.14 Displaying user-defined event attributes



4.15 CSV output of information displayed in JP1/IM - View



4.16 Specifying the event display start-time

Integrated monitoring database


4.17 Range of events to be collected at login

Integrated monitoring database

Enable the function in the following window:

  • Preferences window

4.18 Specifying the event display period



4.19.1 Launching a linked product by monitor startup



4.19.2 Tool Launcher



4.19.3 Executing commands on managed hosts from JP1/IM - View



4.19.4 Executing commands on client hosts



4.19.5 Inheriting event information when a command is executed



4.20 Email notification function (for Windows only)


In the following definition file, specify the information needed for email transmission, such as the mail server's host name, authentication method, authentication account name, and password:

  • Email environment definition file (jimmail.conf)

Chapter 6. Command Execution by Automated Action (JP1/Base linkage)




--: Not applicable

Table 2‒8: Prerequisite functions, preparations, and configuration methods for using Central Scope


Prerequisite function

Preparation for using the function

5.1 Overview of Central Scope functions


Set up a monitoring object database by using the following command:

  • jcsdbsetup command

Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -s ON)

5.2 Monitoring tree

Central Scope


5.3 Automatically generating a monitoring tree

Central Scope


5.4 Editing a monitoring tree

Central Scope


5.5 Visual monitoring

Central Scope


5.7 Searching for monitoring nodes or status change events

Central Scope


5.8 Guide function

Central Scope


5.9 Completed-action linkage function

Central Scope


5.10.1 Tool Launcher

Central Scope



--: Not applicable

Table 2‒9: Prerequisite functions, preparations, and configuration methods for using IM Configuration Management


Prerequisite function

Preparation for using the function

Chapter 8. System Hierarchy Management Using IM Configuration Management

IM Configuration Management database

Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -cf ON)

8.1 Host management

IM Configuration Management


8.2 System hierarchy management

IM Configuration Management


8.3 Virtualization configuration management

IM Configuration Management


8.4 Managing business groups

IM Configuration Management


8.5 Profile management

IM Configuration Management


8.6 Managing remotely monitored hosts

IM Configuration Management

To perform remote monitoring, configure the OSs on both the manager host and the monitored host. For details about the OS settings, see the following:

  • 1.18 Specifying settings for monitoring logs on remotely monitored hosts (for Windows) or 2.17 Specifying settings for monitoring logs on remotely monitored hosts (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

8.7 Management of service activity information

IM Configuration Management


8.8 Exporting and importing IM Configuration Management information

IM Configuration Management



--: Not applicable

Table 2‒10: Prerequisite functions, preparations, and configuration methods for controlling JP1/IM - Manager operation


Prerequisite function

Preparation for using the function

9.1 JP1/IM - Manager process management



9.2 JP1/IM - Manager health check function


Enable the function by using the following definition file:

  • Health check definition file (jcohc.conf)


--: Not applicable

Table 2‒11: Prerequisite functions, preparations, and configuration methods for linking with other products


Prerequisite function

Preparation for using the function

10.1 Linking with JP1/Service Support


Define the URL for JP1/Service Support's WWW page used for registering incidents:

  • Definition file for manually registering incidents (incident.conf)

Define the attributes or strings of JP1 events to be registered as incidents in the following file:

  • Configuration file for incident inheritance information (incident_info.conf)

10.2 Linking with JP1/Navigation Platform

Central Console's event guide


10.3 Linking with VMware vCenter Operations Manager (example of linking with other products through the standard functions)



10.4 Linking with OpenStack



10.5 Linking with another system that uses the REST API of JP1/AO



10.6 Linking with JP1/AJS

Launching linked products by monitor startup


Tool Launcher


Central Console's event guide


Automated action (mail transmission)


10.7 Linking with JP1/PFM


Define the URL for the target JP1/PFM - Web Console.

  • Performance report display definition file (performance.conf)

Launching linked products by monitor startup


Tool Launcher


Linking with BJEX or JP1/AS


Enable the function by using the following command:

  • jcoimdef command (option: -resevent ON)


--: Not applicable

Table 2‒12: Preparation for outputting data to the operation log


Prerequisite function

Preparation for using the function

Appendix K. Operation Log Output


Specify whether to output data to the operation log, the output destination, the size of the operation log, and the maximum number of files that can be saved.

  • Operation log definition file (imm_operationlog.conf)


--: Not applicable