
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

8.6 Managing remotely monitored hosts

Using IM Configuration Management, you can manage remotely monitored hosts by collecting the following types of remote-monitoring log information from the remotely monitored hosts:

Only the newly acquired log information (information not previously in the log) is collected by lines.

The following remotely monitored hosts listed can be managed. Note that remotely monitored hosts are limited to hosts whose language is the same as that of the managing JP1/IM - Manager. However, only ASCII encoding is supported; multibyte characters are not supported.

Remote monitoring has some functional limitations compared to monitoring in an agent configuration. For details about selection of remote monitoring or monitoring using JP1/Base, see 8.2.8 Selection of agent configuration or remote monitoring configuration.

In remote monitoring, the resolution of names of monitored hosts into the IP addresses is performed by the JP1/IM - Manager host OS. When you perform remote monitoring, specify and register the host names of monitored hosts in the hosts file and DNS so that the JP1/IM - Manager host OS can resolve them.

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