
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

2.3 Functionality at each phase of the operating cycle

This section describes the functionality provided at each phase of the operating cycle. JP1/IM - Manager consists of five key components: Intelligent Integrated Management Base, Central Console, Central Scope, IM Configuration Management, and the core functionality.

Intelligent Integrated Management Base

The Intelligent Integrated Management Base is the base that provides integrated management of a variety of data managed by systems and its relevance and knowledge. A web-browser-based viewer (integrated operation viewer) helps you visualize the health of your IT and investigate failures. Manages the relationships between performance data and components of IT system, such as the root JobNet and the operational status. For details about IT Operations Optimization using the Intelligent Integrated Management Base, see Chapter 3. IT Operations Optimization Using the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.

Central Console

The Central Console centrally manages events in the system based on JP1 events, and enables integrated management of the entire system. For details about system monitoring using the Central Console, see Chapter 4. Centralized System Monitoring Using the Central Console and Chapter 6. Command Execution by Automated Action (JP1/Base linkage).

Central Scope

The Central Scope enables integrated objective-oriented system management via a visual interface, in accordance with requirements set by the system administrator. For details about the Central Scope, see Chapter 5. Objective-Oriented System Monitoring Using the Central Scope. To use the Central Scope, you must enable (activate) the central scope service in JP1/IM - Manager. For details about configuring the Central Scope, see 1.19.5 Specifying settings for using the functions of Central Scope (for Windows) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

IM Configuration Management

IM Configuration Management enables you to operate the IM configuration management viewer to centrally manage host settings and the system hierarchy managed by JP1/IM (IM configuration). To use IM Configuration Management, you must set up the IM Configuration Management database. For details about IM Configuration Management, see Chapter 8. System Hierarchy Management Using IM Configuration Management.

Core functionality

The core functionality includes process management, which controls startup, termination, and other operations of JP1/IM - Manager, and service startup control, where JP1/Base controls startup of services. For details about the core functionality of JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/Base, see Chapter 9. JP1/IM Operation Control.

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