L.10 Changes in version 10-10
The following OSs have been added to the list of applicable OSs:
Windows 8
Windows Server 2012
Linux 5
The events that meet user-specified conditions among the events having occurred in large numbers can now be consolidated into a single event in the display by the suppression of repeated-event monitoring.
The actions to be taken for the JP1 events displayed on the Central Console can now be made clear in linkage with JP1/IM - Navigation Platform.
JP1/Integrated Management - Navigation Platform has been added as an Integrated Management product that can be linked to JP1/Integrated Management - Manager.
Suppression of repeated-event monitoring has been added as functionality for consolidating and displaying repeated events and suppressing unnecessary actions when many repeated events matching a specified condition have occurred. Accordingly, the consolidated display of repeated events and the suppression of repeated-event monitoring are described separately in 3.4 Monitoring repeated events.
IM Configuration Management can now manage the virtualization configuration information of the following virtualization software and virtualization environment management software:
An event ID (B.IDBASE) has been added as an attribute of the JP1 event that can be registered as an incident in JP1/Integrated Management - Service Support.
Customizing JP1/Integrated Management - View operation is now described as two separate items: customization that uses the Central Console viewer or Central Scope viewer and customization that uses IM Configuration Management viewer.
Restrictions applying when JP1/Integrated Management - Manager 10-10 and JP1/Integrated Management - View 10-10 are connected to previous product versions have been added.
Section 4.13 Customizing the JP1/IM - View operation in the JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Configuration Guide has been moved and its title has been changed to Customizing operation of JP1/IM - View (Central Console viewer and Central Scope viewer).
A description has been added to explain how to customize the IM Configuration Management - View operation to specify the JP1 JP1/IM - View operation.
When the OS is Solaris, UTF-8 can now be specified as a character code in the LANG environment variable of JP1/IM.
A procedure has been added to enable a function (suppression of repeated-event monitoring) to suppress monitoring when the events that match user-specified conditions occur repeatedly.
A description has been added to explain how to link to JP1/IM - Navigation Platform.
A procedure has been added to suppress monitoring when the events that match user-specified conditions occur repeatedly (suppression of repeated-event monitoring).
A procedure has been added to consolidate the events that have the same attributes and occur successively and display them (consolidated display of repeated events).
Procedures have been added to check repeated events and consolidated events and change their action status.
A procedure has been added to view the job contents (operating procedures) by linking to JP1/IM - Navigation Platform.
The virtualization configuration information of the following virtualization software and virtualization environment management software can now be imported and exported as the management information of IM Configuration Management.
Instructions to make sure that KVM and HCSM have been set up and are running have been added as the actions to be taken when IM Configuration Management fails to collect virtualization system configurations.
The Repeated Event Condition Settings window has been added as a means of setting repeated event conditions to suppress the monitoring of repeated events.
The Extended Attribute (Common Information/Specific Information) Settings window has been added as a means of specifying common extended attribute names or program-specific (or user-specific) extended attribute names.
The List of Repeated Event Conditions window has been added as a means of listing repeated event conditions that are set to suppress the monitoring of repeated events.
The following menu items have been added to the Event Console window:
Suppress by Repeated Event Conditions
Repeated Event Condition Settings
A description has been added to explain that the Related Events (Summary) window can display only the first 100 events and indicates other events in the Events that cannot be displayed field at the bottom of the window.
Repeated events can now be specified in the following windows:
Event Search Conditions window
Settings for View Filter window
When the OS is Solaris, ja_JP.eucJP can now be selected as a LANG value for the EUC encoding from the Startup locale drop-down list in the Display/Edit Profiles window of IM Configuration Management.
UTF-8 has been added as a value that can be specified as a character code for log files when the OS to be monitored by remote-monitoring log file trapping is UNIX.
The jcfcolvmhcsm command, which obtains virtualization configuration information from HCSM and outputs it to a virtualization configuration information file, has been added.
The jcfcolvmkvm command, which obtains virtualization configuration information from KVM and outputs it to a virtualization configuration information file, has been added.
The -storm option, which specifies whether to enable the suppression of repeated-event monitoring, has been added to the jcoimdef command.
The maximum number of serial numbers you can specify in the jcochstat command has been changed to 100.
A parameter that suppresses the display of the name of logged-in JP1 user has been added to the following definition files:
Web-based operation definition file (console_ja.html)
Operation definition file for IM Configuration Management - View (jcfview.conf)
In the section for event guide information file, the information about the URL used to link with JP1/IM - Navigation Platform has been added for the HTML tag that specifies a linkage-target URL. The information has been added under the table HTML tags that can be used in the event guide message file.
For all OSs, C, EUCJIS, SJIS, and UTF-8 can now be selected as the character code to be used in the definition file for extended event attributes and the definition file for opening monitor windows.
A display item definition file for repeated event conditions (event_storm_attr_list.conf) has been added to specify the items to be displayed in the Attribute name column in the Repeated Event Condition Settings window.
The auto-input definition file for repeated event conditions (event_storm_auto_list.conf) has been added to define the JP1 event attributes to be set automatically when the Repeated Event Condition Settings window opens. The window opens when you choose (after selecting a JP1 event in the event list of the Event Console window) View and then Suppress by Repeated Event Conditions.
The parameters and registration mode (SS_MODE) used to link three products (Central Console, JP1/IM - Service Support, and JP1/IM - Navigation Platform) have been added to the definition file for registering incidents manually. Accordingly, a list of parameters that cannot be specified in this definition file has been added to the version information, and a note on the settings has been added to the description of SS_URL=http://JP1/IM - Service Support-host:port-number.
The following parameters have been added to the IM-View settings file:
Suppressing the display of the names of the last JP1 users who logged in (LOGIN_USER_HISTORY_MAX)
Suppressing the display of the names of logged-in JP1 users (SCREEN_TITLE_LOGININFO)
HCSM and KVM have been added as virtualization management types of the host information that is exported. Also, port number and private key path have been added as host information items that are exported.
UTF-8 has been added as a Japanese character code that can be specified in the components of the statements in definition files.
The following JP1 events have been added:
00003F56, 00003F57, 00003F58, 00003F59
The following messages have been added:
KAVB0252-E, KAVB0253-Q, KAVB0684-I to KAVB0686-W, KAVB1148-Q, KAVB1190-E, KAVB1689-W, KAVB1884-W to KAVB1899-E, KAVB4670-W to KAVB4677-I, KAVB7146-E, KAVB7415-W, KNAN22072-E, KNAN22073-E, KNAN24070-W, KNAN26338-E
The output destinations of the following messages have been changed:
KNAN20020-W, KNAN20021-W, KNAN22066-E, KNAN22802-E, KNAN24009-E
The following messages have been changed:
KAVB0806-E, KAVB4053-I, KAVB4602-W, KAVB4604-W to KAVB4606-W, KAVB4608-W, KAVB4609-W, KAVB4612-W to KAVB4614-W, KAVB8417-I, KAVB8424-I, KNAN22016-E, KNAN22249-E, KNAN22315-E, KNAN22499-E, KNAN24006-E, KNAN24010-E, KNAN24033-W, KNAN24036-W, KNAN24038-W, KNAN24039-E, KNAN24063-W, KNAN26095-E, KNAN26142-W, KNAN26187-E, KNAN26329-E, KNAN26330-E, KNAN26334-E, KNAN29085-W, KNAN29086-W
The corrective actions to be taken for the following messages have been changed:
KAVB1131-W to KAVB1135-E, KAVB1137-W to KAVB1141-E,KAVB1153-E, KAVB1159-W to KAVB1162-W, KAVB1636-E, KAVB1639-E, KAVB1651-E, KAVB4603-W, KAVB4607-W, KAVB4610-E, KAVB4611-E, KAVB4615-E, KAVB4616-E, KAVB4664-E, KNAN22058-E, KNAN22066-E, KNAN22206-E, KNAN22249-E, KNAN22449-I, KNAN22823-E, KNAN22824-E, KNAN22830-E, KNAN22831-E, KNAN22842-E, KNAN24002-E, KNAN24009-E, KNAN24035-W, KNAN26138-E, KNAN29012-E
The operations of the system for the following messages have been changed:
KAVB5104-W, KNAN11012-I, KNAN11064-W, KNAN11066-I, KNAN11108-I, KNAN11118-E, KNAN11151-I, KNAN11154-I, KNAN11159-I, KNAN11161-I, KNAN11162-I, KNAN11180-I to KNAN11183-I, KNAN11186-I, KNAN11189-I, KNAN11198-I, KNAN11200-I to KNAN11202-I