L.1 Changes in version 13-00
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Changes in the manuals 3021-3-L02(E), 3021-3-L03(E), 3021-3-L04(E), 3021-3-L05(E), 3021-3-L06(E), and 3021-3-L07(E)
Added the [Dashboard] window to the integrated operation viewer, which can display the various resource status and performance of IT systems side by side in multiple graphs.
Added JP1/IM - Agent, a product that can monitor systems in on-premises and cloud environments, collects performance data from managed hosts, and sends them to JP1/IM - Manager.
In addition, the JP1/IM - Agent product plug-in was added to JP1/IM - Manager.
The following functions have been added to the integrated operation viewer.
Trend data display function
Distribution get capabilities (file download capabilities)
Integrated agent management function
Integrated agent management function
Definition file manipulation function
Added clarification for lower managers.
Added explanations of auto responseAction and manual responseAction when linked with JP1/IM - Agent.
Added description of the Intelligent Integrated Management Database.
The display name of the JP1/IM - Manager service was changed. In addition, the services of the Intelligent Integrated Management Database and the JP1/IM agent management base were added.
The contents to be displayed in the [Operating status] area of the integrated operation viewer operating on the integrated manager can be displayed in the [Operating status] area of the integrated operations viewer operating on the lower managers of each site, and the IM management node added in version 13-00 can be displayed in an integrated manner.
Added descriptions for the initial secret and client secret.
Cloud service log linkage tools that register the following logs on cloud services as JP1 events in JP1/IM - Manager has been added.
Amazon Web Services(AWS)
Microsoft Azure
Added an explanation of the performance monitoring function when linking with the user's own Prometheus.
Added a note about the consolidated display of repeated events in the Central Console.
Added notes on the log file trap startup definition file that can be collected by IM Configuration Management.
Descriptions on IM Exporter, which is built into JP1/IM - Agent, were added. Support for extended monitoring targets in cloud environments and container environments was added by using the IM Exporter add-on programs.
Added a description about the upgrade from the previous version of JP1/IM.
Added descriptions of JP1/Service Support and JP1/IM - Manager connectivity.
Regarding SSL communication protocols, a description of connectivity for each TLS version was added.
Regarding the communication encryption function, a description of connectivity for each type of server certificate was added.
Added the secret authentication logfile to the file used by JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base).
Added explanation of "Setting the direction in which data passes through the firewall" when monitoring multiple locations with Intelligent Integrated Management Base.
An item has been added to the limits for using the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.
Added information about connectivity with lower versions.
Added notes regarding permissions for JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View installation folders.
Added notes on operation in Amazon EC2 instance environment regarding IM database construction.
In addition, an explanation about updating the IM database at the time of version upgrade was added.
Added description of private key file permissions.
Added a method of using the integrated operation viewer for editing JP1/IM - Manager configuration files.
Added description of English UTF-8 for the following files:
jp1bs_env.conf file
jp1bs_param.conf file
The following explanations were added for the setup of JP1/IM - Manager:
Settings related to SELinux
Suppression of messages output to the system log (syslog)
Changed the description of obtaining certificates.
Changed the description of OpenID authentication failure.
Added a description of the integrated operation viewer function for system configuration information.
Changed the setting of the integrated monitoring database of JP1/IM - Manager from optional to mandatory.
The following files were added to the backup target files of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base:
Auto response action definition file
Response action state monitoring definition file
Changed the description of how to log in to JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) using the WWW browser.
Regarding the mapping of the unique extended attributes of JP1 events displayed in the event list on the [Event Console] window, the description related to the mapping of Arrived time, Start time, and End time has been changed.
Added a description of the secret authentication logfile.
The following log files of Intelligent Integrated Management Base have been added:
jimgndbsetup command trace log
jimgndbunsetup command trace log
jimgndbstop command trace log
jimgndbstatus command trace log
Secret authentication logfile
Added items related to the jimdbupdate command and the integrated operation viewer to the dealing with common problems.
Added the following commands:
With the following commands, the monitored OS added English UTF-8 to the character code of Linux:
Added notes to the following commands:
Added explanations and notes about the Intelligent Integrated Management Database to the following commands:
jco_killall.cluster (UNIX only)
jco_start (UNIX only)
jco_start.cluster (UNIX only)
jco_stop (UNIX only)
jco_stop.cluster (UNIX only)
jim_log.bat (Windows only)
jim_log.sh (UNIX only)
The description of the range of dates and times that can be specified has been changed for the argument "-s output-start-date" of the jcoevtreport command.
Regarding the argument "-o retry-count:retry-interval" of jcoimdef command, the description of the value that can be specified for the number of retries was changed.
Also, the return values of the jcoimdef command were added.
Added the following definition files:
Suggestion definition file (user-created)
Auto response action definition file
Response action state monitoring definition file
User-created definition file list definition file
Definition files property file
Sample file of the event guide information file
Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file
Cluster environment Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file
Intelligent Integrated Management Database configuration file
Metric definition file for each Exporter
AWS definition file
imbase common configurration file
imbase configuration file
imbaseproxy configuration file
Alertmanager configuration file
Prometheus configuration file
Alert configuration file
Discovery configuration file for each Exporter
Service definition file
Unit definition file
Configuration files for each Exporter
Log monitoring common definition file
Log monitoring target definition file
Text-formatted log file monitoring definition file
Windows event-log monitoring definition file
imagent common configuration file
imagent configuration file
imagentproxy configuration file
imagentaction configuration file
Definition file property file
Environment variable file
IM Exporter Definition Files
Added descriptions of definition files that can be updated using the integrated operation viewer or REST API.
Changed the description of the numerical values stored in the attribute name "E.START_TIME" (start time) and attribute name "E.END_TIME" (end time) of the argument "attribute-name":"attribute-value".
Changed the period that can be specified for the argument "date start-date-end date".
Changed the range of numeric values that can be converted in a variable that converts the number of seconds elapsed since 1970/01/01 to a string.
Changed the description of arguments statement in the definition file for the Tool Launcher window.
The range of numerical values that can be output has been changed for JP1 event attributes defined in the item file.
The following JP1 events were added to the JP1 events output by JP1/IM - Manager:
JP1 event for response action
Events related to the generation or propagation of IM Management Node Related Information
In addition, JP1 events issued by JP1/IM - Agent were added.
The following methods were added to the method implemented by the user-created Plug-ins:
Added or changed the following description to __configurationGet method:
Added a description of the target host definition file for configuration collection
Changed the remarks of component member
Added "Managing Trend Data by IM management node" to the affected functions
The following methods have been added to the common methods that can be used with each method of the user-created Plug-ins:
The following JP1/IM - Manager APIs has been added:
Initial secret issue
IM Client secret delete
IM Client secret issue
IM Client list acquisition
JP1 Event converter
Generation of IM management node related information
Reflection of IM management node related information
Write Trend Data
Get distribution (File download)
Obtain execution result of Response Action
Manual execution of Response Action
Convert event-takeover info
Get definition file list
Get definition file
Delete definition file
Updated definition file
Retrieve integrated agent info
Delete integrated agent info
Retrieve Secret List
Add, update, delete the secrets
Retrieve lower manager info list
Add lower manager info
Delete lower manager info
In addition, the following JP1/IM - Agent APIs has been added:
Reload Prometheus server
Prometheus server health check
Alertmanager health check
Get silence list of Alertmanager
Silence creation of Alertmanager
Silence Revocation of Alertmanager
Get silence of Alertmanager
Reload Blackbox exporter
API for scrape of Exporter used by JP1/IM - Agent
The following explanations have been added or changed regarding the common API specifications:
Changed the description of the request format item "component".
Changed the range of numbers that can be specified for the date and time notation "YYYY".
Added Basic authentication with client secret information to REST API authentication method.
Changed the description of authentication method for Basic authentication using login information added to REST API.
Changed the description of event attribute values registered in the event registration function of Event generation API.
Added jp1im_TrendData_labels to variable name related to the additional information specified in the configuration information SID.
The following objects were added to the json objects:
Trend data
Label Set List
Auto Response Action Definition
Integrated agent Info
Added descriptions of the cloud service log linkage tools that registers various log data generated in Amazon Web Services and Azure as JP1 events.
Added messages about JP1/IM agent base.
The following messages were deleted:
KAVB0540-E, KAVB0541-E, KAVB4550-W, KAVB4551-E, KAVB5514-W, KAVB5714-W, KAJY02039-E
The following messages were added:
KAVB5763-W, KAVB8802-E, KAVB9400-I, KAVB9401-I, KAVB9404-E to KAVB9423-E, KAVB9429-E, KAVB9431-E, KAVB9432-W, KAVB9434-Q to KAVB9441-W, KAVB9444-W, KAVB9445-W, KAVB9944-E to KAVB9946-E, KAVB9957-E, KAVB9960-Q, KNAN11214-E, KNAN11215-E, KAJY00024-E to KAJY00027-E, KAJY00029-E to KAJY00031-E, KAJY02058-W, KAJY02060-E, KAJY02065-E, KAJY02073-I to KAJY02078-I, KAJY04700-E to KAJY04708-W, KAJY04720-E, KAJY12000-E to KAJY12015-E, KAJY24600-E to KAJY24610-E, KAJY24620-E, KAJY32227-E
The output destinations of the following messages has been changed:
KAJY00007-E, KAJY00008-E, KAJY02000-E to KAJY02006-W, KAJY02019-E to KAJY02021-E, KAJY02023-E, KAJY02024-E, KAJY02026-W, KAJY02039-E
Messages related to Intelligent Integrated Management Database were added.
Messages related to trend data management for each IM management node were added.
Messages related to auto responseAction were added.
Messages related to manual responseAction were added.
Messages related to JP1 event conversion function were added.
Messages related to common secret were added.
Messages related to file manipulation function were added.
Messages related to managing integrated agent were added.
Changed the handling of the following messages:
KAVB1554-E, KAVB5000-W, KAVB8602-E, KNAN29082-E, KNAN11035-E, KAJY00017-E, KAJY02000-E, KAJY02003-E to KAJY02005-W, KAJY02015-E, KAJY02023-E, KAJY02024-E, KAJY02026-W, KAJY02043-E, KAJY02046-W, KAJY02051-E, KAJY22044-W, KAJY24114-E, KAJY32010-W, KAJY52028-E
Changed the description of the following messages:
KAVB0880-E, KAJY22046-E
Changed the following messages:
KNAN22507-W, KNAN22527-W, KNAN11046-E, KNAN11085-E, KNAN11098-W
Linkage with JP1/Integrated Management - Rule Operation is no longer supported.
The following OSs are now supported:
Windows 11
Windows Server 2022
Linux 9
Oracle Linux 9
The following OSs are no longer supported:
Windows Server 2012
Linux 6 (x64)
Oracle Linux 6 (x64)
CentOS 7
CentOS 6 (x64)