H.1 Connectivity with version 12 products
This section describes the restrictions applicable when JP1/IM - View 13-00 is connected to JP1/IM - Manager 12-00 to 12-50, when JP1/IM - Manager 12-50 is connected to JP1/IM - View 13-00, when JP1/IM - Agent 13-00 is connected to JP1/IM - Manager 12-00 to 12-50, and when JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) 13-00 is connected to target JP1 products, such as JP1/Base, JP1/AJS, and JP1/PFM, whose version is 12-00 to 12-50.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Restrictions placed when JP1/IM - View 13-00 is connected to JP1/IM - Manager 12-00 to 12-50 (common to all components)
There are no restrictions (common to components) on connecting JP1/IM - View 13-00 to JP1/IM - Manager 12-00 to 12-50.
(2) Restrictions placed when JP1/IM - View 13-00 is connected to JP1/IM - Manager 12-00 to 12-50 (when using the Central Console)
There are no restrictions (when using the Central Console) on connecting JP1/IM - View13-00 to JP1/IM - Manager 12-00 to 12-50.
(3) Restrictions placed when JP1/IM - View 13-00 is connected to JP1/IM - Manager 12-00 to 12-50 (when using the Central Scope)
There are no restrictions on connecting JP1/IM - View 13-00 to JP1/IM - Manager 12-00 to 12-50 (when using the Central Scope).
(4) Restrictions placed when JP1/IM - View 13-00 is connected to JP1/IM - Manager 12-00 to 12-50 (when using IM Configuration Management)
There are no restrictions (when using IM Configuration Management) on connecting JP1/IM - View 13-00 to JP1/IM - Manager 12-00 to 12-50.
(5) Restrictions placed when JP1/IM - View 12-00 is connected to JP1/IM - Manager 13-00 (common to all components)
There are no restrictions (common to components) on connecting JP1/IM - View 12-00 to JP1/IM - Manager 13-00.
(6) Restrictions placed when JP1/IM - View 12-00 is connected to JP1/IM - Manager 13-00 (when using the Central Console)
There are no restrictions (when using the Central Console) on connecting JP1/IM - View 12-00 to JP1/IM - Manager 13-00.
(7) Restrictions placed when JP1/IM - View 12-00 is connected to JP1/IM - Manager 13-00 (when using the Central Scope)
There are no restrictions on connecting JP1/IM - View 12-00 to JP1/IM - Manager 13-00 (when using the Central Scope).
(8) Restrictions placed when JP1/IM - View 12-00 is connected to JP1/IM - Manager 13-00 (when using IM Configuration Management)
There are no restrictions (when using IM Configuration Management) on connecting JP1/IM - View 12-00 to JP1/IM - Manager 13-00.
(9) Restrictions placed when JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) 13-00 is connected to JP1 products whose version is 12-00 to 12-60
JP1 product name |
Restrictions#1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
JP1/Base |
Y |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Y |
-- |
-- |
JP1/AJS3-Web Console |
-- |
-- |
Y |
-- |
JP1/PFM#2 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
JP1/PFM - Web Console#2 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Legend: Y: Applicable --: Not applicable
#1 The restriction number corresponds to the number in the following table.
#2 For details about the functionality provided by linking JP1/IM - Manager with JP1/PFM or JP1/PFM - Web Console, see the manual for JP1/PFM 12-50.
No. |
Details |
1 |
A connection can be established with JP1 products whose version is 12-00-31 or later, provided that the encryption function is enabled. |
2 |
Only the functionality provided by versions earlier than JP1/AJS 12-00 to 12-60 is available. |
3 |
Only the functionality provided by versions of JP1/AJS earlier than 12-60 is available. |
4 |
A connection cannot be established. |
(10) Restriction when JP1/IM - Agent 13-00 is connected to JP1/IM - Manager 12-00 to 12-50
JP1/IM-Agent 13-00 does not support connecting to a JP1/IM-Manager 12-00 to 12-50.