D.2 Limits when using the Central Console
The tables below describe the limits that apply to JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View when using the Central Console.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) JP1/IM - Manager limits
The following table describes the limits that apply to JP1/IM - Manager.
Item |
Limit |
Number of logical hosts that use the IM database |
9 |
Number of instances of JP1/IM - View |
64#5 |
Number of hosts that can be managed by one instance of JP1/IM - Manager (Considering the configuration of agents, this indicates the maximum number of hosts of JP1/IM - Manager and instances of JP1/Base that can be placed directly below JP1/IM - Manager.) |
This value is for a maximum configuration. The number of managed hosts is restricted by the system configuration and network traffic. |
Number of hosts that can execute commands from one instance of JP1/IM - Manager |
2,500 |
Event buffer size (number of extracted events that can be buffered from the event database) |
2,000 |
Maximum length of an event acquisition filter#1 (total size of the event acquisition filters to be applied (total of pass conditions and exclusion-conditions) and the valid common exclusion-condition groups in basic mode) |
Maximum length of common exclusion conditions#1 |
Maximum length of an event receiver filter#1 |
1 MB (total size when more than one event receiver filter is set) |
Maximum length of a severe events filter#1 |
64 KB |
Maximum length of a view filter#1 |
1 MB per JP1 user (total size when more than one view filter is set) |
Maximum length of an event search#1 |
64 KB |
Number of event receiver filters |
128 |
Number of conditions that can be set in a filter (applies to passing conditions and exclusion-conditions) |
Number of filters that can be defined in the list of event acquisition filters |
50 |
Maximum length of a filter name specified in the list of event acquisition filters |
50 bytes |
Number of common exclusion-conditions that can be defined in the list of event acquisition filters |
Maximum size of the file containing the list of event acquisition filters |
1 MB |
Number of queued commands executed by automated actions |
65,535 |
Length of an action definition parameter for an automated action |
Length of a target group name |
30 bytes |
File size of an event guide information file |
1 MB |
File size of an event-guide message file |
1 MB |
Total number of items that can be defined in an event guide information file |
1,000 |
Length of an event-guide message after processing of placeholders (variables) and HTML encoding |
196,608 characters#2 |
Length of an event guide-message file name that can be specified in an event guide information file |
1,024 characters#2 |
Number of comparison conditions that can be defined in event guide information |
100 |
Number of correlation event generation conditions that can be defined in a correlation event generation definition file |
1,000 |
Number of filtering conditions for the correlation target range that can be defined in one correlation event generation condition |
1 |
Number of event conditions that can be defined in one correlation event generation condition |
10 |
Timeout period for a correlation event generation condition |
1 second to 86,400 seconds (24 hours) |
Maximum value that can be specified in the threshold event correlation type |
100 events |
Number of duplicate attribute value conditions that can be defined in one correlation event generation condition |
3 |
Number of maximum correlation numbers that can be defined in one correlation event generation condition |
1 |
Maximum length of the attribute value used in defining a correlation approval event |
2,048 bytes |
Number of sets of JP1 events that can be correlated simultaneously by one correlation event generation condition |
1,024 sets |
Number of sets of JP1 events that can be correlated simultaneously by all correlation event generation conditions |
20,000 sets |
Health check timeout period |
216,000 seconds (60 hours) |
Number of characters that can be specified for a URL in IE |
2,046 characters |
Number of conditions that can be defined in the List of Repeated Event Conditions window |
2,500 |
Total size of the definitions of repeated event conditions |
15 megabytes (15,728,640 bytes) |
Length of a definition of repeated event condition |
Maximum number of email destinations that can be specified at a time by the email notification function of JP1/IM - Manager |
20 Multiple destinations cannot be specified over the maximum length of the command line. |
Maximum lengths of items with which mail can be sent by the email notification function of JP1/IM - Manager |
Number of days that can be specified as the range of events to be collected at login |
1 to 31 days |
Base time that can be specified for the range of events to be collected at login |
0:00 to 23:59 |
Time that can be specified as the range of events to be collected at login |
1 to 744 hours (corresponding to 31 days) |
File size of a severity changing definition file |
17 MB (17,825,792 bytes) |
Number of definitions that can be defined by the severity changing definition function |
1,000 |
Length of one severity changing definition |
Number of definitions that can be defined by the display message change function |
3,000 |
Length of one display message change definition |
#1: Because the character string data is stored in Shift-JIS code, the specifiable length of the character string is the same even if JP1/IM - Manager is running in Japanese UTF-8 code.
#2: Both 1-byte and 2-byte characters are counted as one character. For example, AAA is counted as three characters.
#3: For details about the limits other than the size of the operand of the event condition, see 4.4.3(2) Event comparison attributes that can be specified in repeated event conditions.
#4: The message length is based on the encoding settings for JP1/IM - Manager.
#5: If you perform a search in the integrated monitoring database and the search exceeds a limit value, a dialog box containing an error message (KAVB1661-E or KAVB1671-W) will appear in the instance of JP1/IM - View that was used to perform the search.
(2) JP1/IM - View limits
The following table describes the limits that apply to JP1/IM - View.
Item |
Limit |
Number of instances of JP1/IM - View that can be started within a single session (per process#1) |
3#2 |
Scroll buffer size (number of events that can be displayed in a window) |
2,000 |
Number of events that can be acquired when a window is refreshed |
200 |
Number of events that can be acquired in a search |
2,000 |
Maximum length of a filter#3 |
Number of view filters |
50 |
Maximum length of a name of a view filter |
50 bytes |
Number of condition groups that can be set in a filter (applies to passing conditions and exclusion-conditions) |
Maximum length that can be entered in the input field of each item in the filter window#4 |
Number of instances of the | special character that can be specified when regular expressions are used to specify conditions |
1,000 per input field |
Number of filters that can be defined in the list of event acquisition filters |
50 (when connected to Central Console) |
Number of common exclusion-condition groups that can be defined in the list of event acquisition filters |
Longest environment variable file name that can be specified in the Execute Command window |
255 bytes |
Longest target host name that can be specified in the Execute Command window |
2,048 bytes |
Longest action definition parameter for an automated action definition |
When connected to JP1/IM - Manager 09-00 or later:
Number of lines of execution results to display in the Execute Command window that can be specified in the Preferences window |
100 to 10,000 lines |
Size of text data that can be copied to the clipboard |
6 MB |
Number of conditions that can be defined in the List of Repeated Event Conditions window |
2,500 |
Total size of the definitions of repeated event conditions |
15 megabytes (15,728,640 bytes) |
Length of a definition of repeated event condition |
Number of days that can be specified as the range of events to be collected at login |
1 to 31 |
Base time that can be specified for the range of events to be collected at login |
0:00 to 23:59 |
Time that can be specified as the range of events to be collected at login |
1 to 744 hours (corresponding to 31 days) |
Number of definitions that can be defined by the severity changing definition function |
1,000 |
Number of definitions that can be specified for a manager host in the non-encryption communication host configuration file for encrypted communication |
1,024 |
Maximum length (in characters) of a manager host name in the non-encryption communication host configuration file for encrypted communication |
255 characters |
Number of definitions that can be defined by the display message change function |
3,000 |
Length of one display message change definition |
Maximum length that can be entered in the input field in the Event Search Detailed Conditions (Program-Specific Information in Extended Attribute) window |
#1: The following viewers and windows are started for each process:
Central Console viewer and Central Scope viewer
IM Configuration Management viewer
Monitoring Tree (Editing) window
#2: The larger the number of active instances of JP1/IM - View, the greater the memory and disk space requirements.
#3: Because character string data is stored in Shift-JIS code, the specifiable length of a character string is the same even if JP1/IM - Manager is running in Japanese UTF-8 code.
#4: Filter windows are the Severe Event Definitions window, Event Search Conditions window, Event Acquisition Settings window , Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window, Settings for View Filter window, and Detailed Settings for Event Receiver Filter window.
#5: For details about the limits other than the size of the operand of the event condition, see 4.4.3(2) Event comparison attributes that can be specified in repeated event conditions.
#6: The message length is based on the encoding settings for JP1/IM - Manager.