A. Files and Directories
This appendix lists the names of the files and directories used by JP1/IM.
This appendix does not cover the JP1/IM files that you need to back up when changing system settings, or the log files output by JP1/IM. For details on these files, see the following:
Information about files to back up: See 1.1 Managing the configuration information in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide.
Information about log files: See 12.2.1 (5) Log files and directory list and 12.2.2 JP1/IM - Agent logging info in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide.
In the case of a logical host, the path notation used in the following tables is described in the table below.
OS |
Internal component |
Path notation in the following tables |
File or folder (directory) on the shared disk |
Windows |
Central Console |
console-path\conf\ |
shared-folder\JP1Cons\conf\ |
console-path\log\ |
shared-folder\JP1Cons\log\ |
console-path\tmp\ |
shared-folder\JP1Cons\tmp\ |
console-path\operation\ |
shared-folder\JP1Cons\operation\ |
Central Scope |
scope-path\conf\ |
shared-folder\JP1Scope\conf\ |
scope-path\log\ |
shared-folder\JP1Scope\log\ |
scope-path\tmp\ |
shared-folder\JP1Scope\tmp\ |
scope-path\database\ |
shared-folder\JP1Scope\database\ |
Intelligent Integrated Management Base |
manager-path\conf\imdd\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\conf\imdd\ |
manager-path\data\imdd\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\data\imdd\ |
manager-path\log\imdd\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\log\imdd\ |
manager-path\data\imdd\suggestion\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\data\imdd\suggestion |
manager-path\plugin\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\plugin\ |
manager-path\tmp\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\tmp\ |
manager-path\conf\ssl\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\conf\ssl\ |
IM Configuration Management |
manager-path\conf\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\conf\imcf\ |
manager-path\log\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\log\imcf\ |
manager-path\tmp\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\tmp\ |
Intelligent Integrated Management Database |
manager-path\conf\imgndb\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\conf\imgndb\ |
manager-path\log\imgndb\ |
shared-folder\JP1IMM\log\imgndb\ |
Central Console |
/etc/opt/jp1cons/conf/ |
shared-directory/jp1cons/conf/ |
/var/opt/jp1cons/log/ |
shared-directory/jp1cons/log/ |
/var/opt/jp1cons/tmp/ |
shared-directory/jp1cons/tmp/ |
/var/opt/jp1cons/operation/ |
shared-directory/jp1cons/operation/ |
Central Scope |
/etc/opt/jp1scope/conf/ |
shared-directory/jp1scope/conf/ |
/var/opt/jp1scope/log/ |
shared-directory/jp1scope/log/ |
/var/opt/jp1scope/tmp/ |
shared-directory/jp1scope/tmp/ |
/var/opt/jp1scope/database/ |
shared-directory/jp1scope/database/ |
Intelligent Integrated Management Base |
/etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/conf/imdd/ |
/var/opt/jp1imm/data/imdd/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/data/imdd/ |
/var/opt/jp1imm/log/imdd/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/log/imdd/ |
/etc/opt/jp1imm/data/imdd/suggestion/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/data/imdd/suggestion/ |
/opt/jp1imm/plugin/imdd/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/plugin/ |
/etc/opt/jp1imm/tmp/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/tmp/ |
/etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/ssl/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/conf/ssl/ |
IM Configuration Management |
/etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/conf/imcf/ |
/var/opt/jp1imm/log/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/log/imcf/ |
/var/opt/jp1imm/tmp/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/tmp/ |
Intelligent Integrated Management Database |
/etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/imgndb/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/conf/imgndb/ |
/etc/opt/jp1imm/log/imgndb/ |
shared-directory/jp1imm/log/imgndb/ |
For a logical host, read console-path\conf\ as shared-folder\JP1Cons\conf. For example, console-path\conf\action\actdef.conf will be shared-folder\JP1Cons\conf\action\actdef.conf.