16.2.2 Memory, disk capacity, and database capacity required on a monitoring server
JP1/IM - Manager on a monitoring server has different memory and disk space requirements depending on how JP1/IM is set up. The settings that have the most significant effect on memory and disk usage by JP1/IM - Manager are as follows. For details on the other settings, see the Release Notes for JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View.
Settings that significantly affect memory usage:
Number of event buffers
Number of events to acquire in one search
Number of monitoring nodes
Number of IM management nodes
Numbers of relations between monitoring nodes and between IM management nodes
Settings that significantly affect disk space usage:
Automated action trace log
Numbers of relations between monitoring nodes and between IM management nodes
Number of registered hosts
Number of files defined for log trapping
JP1/Base is a prerequisite product when you monitor a system using JP1/IM. For the pertinent information relating to JP1/Base, see the JP1/IM - Base Release Notes.