16.1 JP1/IM processing performance
The performance of the integrated monitoring system depends on the performance of:
Event display in JP1/IM - View, event reception by JP1/IM - Manager, and automated actions
The machines on which JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View are installed
The network environment
For this reason, you must actually build the integrated monitoring system first, and use it to perform the integrated monitoring tasks for which it is intended. By running the system with a peak load, you can find out if JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View can execute automated actions and display events in that configuration without delays occurring.
If the processing capacity of the Central Console cannot cope with the peak load, take action to reduce the load. This might entail reducing the number of JP1 events in the system by changing the filter conditions, eliminating redundant automated actions by changing the automated action settings, or increasing the number of base managers.