15.7.6 Command execution environment
Consider the environment for the command execution functionality.
The command execution environment comes into play when the user executes a command from JP1/IM - View or when a command is executed in an automated action.
The command execution environment also relates to the system configuration management and user authentication functionality.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Considerations for the command execution environment
Setting the number of commands to be executed concurrently
The commands that are executed in automated actions are normally set to execute one by one on the host concerned. However, concurrent execution is supported if you want the next command to start executing sooner when it follows a command that takes a long time to complete.
To enable commands to be executed concurrently on a host, set the command-concurrent-execution-count parameter by specifying the -execnum option in the jcocmddef command.
Commands are executed in parallel up to the number defined as command-concurrent-execution-count. Although the number of commands being executed at any one time depends on how long each command takes to execute and on the command execution environment, it never exceeds the specified count. Delays might occur when a command executed by an automated action takes a long time to execute and commands are set to execute serially (the default setting). In this case, you can reduce delays by setting the command execution control to execute commands in parallel.
When you specify a value greater than 1 in this option, commands will be executed concurrently, which means that the command executed first will not necessarily end first. For this reason, do not specify this option if you want the automated actions to end in execution order.
For details, see the following reference:
- About the command execution environment:
Overview of the command execution environment
(2) Notes
If the number of queued commands is exceeded when an automated action is executed, the action returns an error. Wait until the queued actions have executed, and then retry the failed action. To do so, in the Execute Command window, type the contents displayed in the Action field of the Action Log Details window.
Specify the number of queued commands in the -queuenum option in the jcocmddef command. For details about the jcocmddef command, see the chapter on commands in the JP1/Base User's Guide.
If JP1/Base stops while an automated action is being executed, the action will result in an error.