15.7.4 JP1 user environment
You can change the JP1/IM user environment (contents displayed in the Event Console window, for example, for an individual JP1 user) via the GUI or by using a profile (user profile). The changes are managed by JP1/IM - Manager.
The following discusses some points and precautions you should consider in regard to the JP1 user environment settings.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Scroll buffer
The scroll buffer is an area of memory used by JP1/IM - View to store JP1 events extracted from the event buffer of JP1/IM - Manager.
A scroll buffer is kept for each of the Monitor Events page, Severe Events page, and Search Events page.
The JP1 events that JP1/IM - View displays on each page is determined by the contents of the scroll buffer for that page.
You can change the scroll buffer size (maximum number of JP1 events that can be buffered) in the Preferences window.
If the scroll buffer size is too large, the Event Console window might take a long time to display when you start JP1/IM - View.
When setting the scroll buffer size, estimate the memory requirements of the Central Console viewer and make sure that sufficient resources are available on the machine. For the equations you can use to estimate memory requirements, see the JP1/IM - View Release Notes.
- About customizing the user environment:
Customizing the user environment via the GUI
See 3.24 Preferences window in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.
(2) Notes
When a user is deleted from the JP1 user management, the associated user profile is not deleted.
When a user name is changed in the JP1 user management, the associated user profile is not updated.
The JP1 user environment definitions are also written in the user profile. However, in the user profile, do not directly change the attributes and attribute values that are not described in Information that is specified in User profile (defaultUser | profile_user-name) of Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference. If you change them, JP1/IM - View might not work properly.
If a user profile contains any errors, such as an attribute value that is out of range, JP1/IM - View might not work properly.