15.3.9 Configuration for differing product versions
An example of a system configuration in which differing versions of JP1 products coexist is shown below.
Note the following points when monitoring operations in a JP1/IM system with differing product versions:
Versions 13, 12, 11, and 10 cannot coexist on the same machine.
For example, you cannot run JP1/Base version 13 and JP1/IM - Manager version 12 on the same machine.
When products of different versions are linked, only the functions provided by the oldest of the versions can be used.
For example, if JP1/IM - View version 11 connects to JP1/IM - Manager version 13, the operations you can perform are limited to those supported in JP1/IM - View version 11.
However, you cannot connect a version 13 JP1/IM - Agent to a version 12 JP1/IM - Manager.
For details about the restrictions that apply when different product versions coexist, see Appendix H. Connectivity with Previous Versions.