15.3.5 Configuration for monitoring the status of the Cosminexus system environment and the status of resources being used (Cosminexus + JP1/Cm2/SSO linkage)
When JP1/Cm2/SSO version 8 or earlier monitors the resources used by the Cosminexus system environment, you can use the Central Scope (in JP1/IM) to collect and monitor the Cosminexus system environment information and the resource information related to business operations executed in the system environment. The monitoring objects for Cosminexus + JP1/Cm2/SSO linkage are the user monitoring objects.
The following figure shows an example of the system configuration in this case.
The following products are required for each host:
- Manager
JP1/IM - Manager
Runs the Central Console and Central Scope. The Central Scope is required to monitor the system by associating jobs and JP1 events. It is not required to monitor job execution simply by monitoring JP1 events.
- Agent (Cosminexus operations management server host)
Cosminexus Application Server
Required to run and manage the applications on the application servers.
This host requires the Cosminexus Management Server and its prerequisite processes, provided with the application server.
- Agents (Performance management server host for JP1/Cm2/SSO)
Prerequisite product for JP1/Cm2/SSO. NNM manages the SNMP traps issued by JP1/Cm2/SSO version 8 or earlier. HP NNM version 7.5 or earlier is required.
HTTP server
Required to display the NNM's window (Web page).
JP1/Cm2/SSO version 8 or earlier is a prerequisite product for JP1/PFM/SSO for Application Server. It is required to monitor the server resources on the network (the resource status is collected from JP1/ESA).
JP1/Cm2/SSO is required for managing JP1/ESA running on business servers.
JP1/PFM/SSO for Application Server
Required to monitor the Cosminexus Application Server resources on the network (the resource status is collected from JP1/ESA).
- Agents (application server hosts)
Cosminexus Application Server
On an application server host, install Cosminexus Application Server and use the configuration software according to your needs. Operation and management of Cosminexus Application Server is performed by Cosminexus Manager (Cosminexus Management Server) on the operations management server.
Required to monitor the status of the resources used by the applications managed by Cosminexus running on business servers.
- Viewer
JP1/IM - View
- Note:
With the above system configuration, if you want to monitor the status of Cosminexus operation and their resources, select the work-oriented tree when automatically generating a monitoring tree. If the server-oriented tree is selected, monitoring objects for monitoring the resource status of the Cosminexus operations are not generated. For details about the relationship between the monitoring tree types and monitoring objects, see 5.3.3 Monitoring tree structures.