15.2.3 Upgrading from version 10 JP1/IM - Manager products
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Upgrading from the Central Console version 10
Back up the settings information before you upgrade from version 10 to version 13 of JP1/IM - Manager. For the procedure, see the manual for the previous version.
If you use the integrated monitoring database, execute the jimdbupdate command after you have upgraded JP1/IM - Manager from version 10 to version 13. Make a backup copy before you execute the jimdbupdate command.
When you upgrade, the definition information for the Central Console is migrated from JP1/IM - Manager version 10. However, note the following points:
In a logical host (cluster) environment, you must execute the jp1cohaverup command to apply the definition information added in the current version.
See jp1cohaverup in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.
(2) Upgrading from the Central Scope version 10
Back up the settings information and the databases before you upgrade JP1/IM - Manager from version 10 to version 13. For the procedure, see the manual for the previous version.
When you upgrade, the definition information for the Central Scope is migrated from JP1/IM - Manager version 10, regardless of whether the Central Scope is enabled or disabled.
(3) Upgrading from the Central Scope version 10
Back up the settings information before you upgrade JP1/IM - Manager from version 10 to version 13. For the procedure, see the manual for the previous version.
If you use the integrated monitoring database, execute the jimdbupdate command after you have upgraded JP1/IM - Manager from version 10 to version 13. Make a backup copy before you execute the jimdbupdate command.
When you upgrade, the definition information for the IM Configuration Management is migrated from JP1/IM - Manager version 10, regardless of whether the IM Configuration Management is enabled or disabled.
When you perform an upgrade installation from an environment that uses IM Configuration Management for JP1/IM - Manager version 10, save the following log file under a different name or delete it. This will expand the size of the internal log related to IM Configuration Management commands.
- In Windows:
- In UNIX:
- #
n is a decimal number.
(4) Settings for using JP1/IM - Agent
When JP1/IM - Manager is upgraded, JP1/IM agent management base for using JP1/IM - Agent is installed.
To use JP1/IM - Agent, perform the following steps:
Generate a configuration file from a.model file.
Perform the following copy:
Copy source
Copy destination
Change the jpc_imbase_service.xml, jpc_imbaseproxy_service.xml settings.
Variable name
Value to be rewritten
Replace with "Manual".
Replace with an empty string.
Replace with an empty string.
Replace with an empty string.
Replace with the path to the directory where you want to install JP1/IM - Manager.
Configure the server certificate and the server certificate key file.
To communicate cryptographically with integrated agent host, configure the server certificate and the server certificate key file.
For logical-host (clustered) deployments, perform the following steps only for Windows.
Create a file for the logical host.
If you used the pre-update version to build the clustering environment, perform the copying shown in the following table under Manage pass\bin\imdd\imagent folder.
Copy source
Copy destination
jpc_imbase_service_logical hostname.exe
jpc_imbaseproxy_service_logical hostname.exe
(5) Note
You cannot perform an overwrite or version update installation for the products below. If the following products are installed, uninstall them:
- P-242C-8EA4 JP1/IM - Manager 10-00 - 10-50
- P-CC242C-8EAL Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager 10-00 - 10-50