
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

14.6 Considerations for monitoring systems through the Intelligent Integrated Management Base

The Intelligent Integrated Management Base stores manages the relationships among multiple systems and data relations, such as job management, operation monitoring, and event management in Intelligent Integrated Management server. Consider the configuration of the Intelligent Integrated Management Base to manage these types of data.

Before starting consideration for monitoring systems through the Intelligent Integrated Management Base, see the following description to familiarize yourself with the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.

About the Intelligent Integrated Management Base

In addition, when considering system monitoring in the Intelligent Integrated Management Infrastructure, Appendix D.1 Limits when using the Intelligent Integrated Management Baseso as not to limit the number of IM management nodes that are listed, You need to estimate the number of IM management nodes.

For estimates, see formulas for the number of IM management nodes described in the release notes.

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