14.4.1 Notes regarding the considerations for automated actions
When a command execution log (ISAM) file is wrapped, the results of automated actions can no longer be acquired or displayed.
When you open the Action Log Details window, the message KAVB5150-W appears in the Message area.
If this message is displayed, take action as described in 12.5.3(14) Actions to take when KAVB5150-W is displayed in the detailed information (message) for the action result in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide.
Delays might occur when a large number of events that trigger actions are generated in a short space of time, leading to a considerable backlog of actions queued on the target hosts.
In this situation, consider changing the number of commands that can be executed concurrently. Use the jcocmddef command to change this setting. However, when commands are executed concurrently, those that take less time to process end more quickly. If you want commands to be processed in sequence, do not change the default (execute commands one by one).
If any of the following events occurs during the execution processing of an automated action, the action ceases to proceed through the usual status transition (this applies only to actions whose status is Wait, Send, Queue, Running, Wait (Canceling), Send (Canceling), Queue (Canceling), or Running (Canceling)):
The manager host, action relay host, or action target host is shut down or otherwise stopped.
Network error
JP1/Base failure
In this situation, check the status of the automated actions as follows.
Using the JP1/Base jcocmdshow command (supported in version 07-51):
You can check the action status using this command if the automated action was being processed by JP1/Base (command execution management) on the target host.#
#: If the processing request has not yet been received or if processing has ended, you cannot use this command to check the action status.
If an automated action ceases to progress and the jcocmdshow command cannot be used to check its status, evaluate whether it needs to be re-executed, and do so if necessary from the Execute Command window.
If you cannot check the execution status or result of an automated action, there might be inconsistencies in the automated action logs (command execution log file, action information file, and action hosts file).
In this situation, take action as described in 12.5.3(10) Actions to take when Unknown is displayed as the automated action execution status in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide.
Using the jcocmddef command, you can disable registration of detailed execution results (message information) to the command execution log file, thereby increasing the processing speed of the underlying JP1/Base components (registration is enabled by default). Disabling registration, by increasing the JP1/Base processing speed, also increases the speed at which automated actions are executed.
However, when you disable registration of detailed information, the Message area of the Action Log Details window will show message KAVB2401-I for every action.
Change the setting (disable registration) only if this is not an issue and you definitely need to increase the automated action execution speed.
Using the jcocmddef command, you can restrict the amount of execution log data forwarded to the manager host. This helps control the size of the command execution log file and reduces congestion on the network between the hosts. Note that the default setting for restricting log data transfer differs according to the JP1/Base version, as follows:
If you performed a new installation of JP1/Base version 8, the amount of result data logged for an action executed on that host is restricted to a maximum of 1,000 lines.
If you are running version 7 or earlier of JP1/Base, or if you upgraded from version 7 to version 8, there is no restriction on the amount of result data logged for an action executed on that host.
When log data transfer is restricted, only the specified amount of execution results will be forwarded. This might mean that the displayed data is truncated. (The fact that the results have been truncated is mentioned at the end of the displayed information.)
Change the setting (restrict log data transfer) only after you have considered whether you will need full data in the execution results.
Do not use a command that directly shuts down the OS in an automated action. Use JP1/Power Monitor to shut down an agent.