14.3.3 Considerations for executing commands from JP1/IM - View
Using JP1/IM, you can execute commands from JP1/IM - View to the monitored hosts based on the configuration defined in JP1/Base Configuration Management. Or, you can execute commands on the client hosts (viewer hosts) by using the client application execution function.
You can register the regularly used commands to command buttons, and execute the commands by clicking the command buttons. This can avoid typos because you do not have to enter the commands from the command line.
For details about how to register command buttons, see 8.1.2 Executing a command by using the Command button in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide.
In addition, if you use the event information inheritance function, event information is automatically specified for the contents of the command.
For details about the event information inheritance function, see 4.19.5 Inheriting event information when a command is executed.
For details about command execution, see the following references:
- About command execution from JP1/IM - View:
Execution of commands on managed hosts from JP1/IM - View
See 4.19.3 Executing commands on managed hosts from JP1/IM - View.
Execution of commands on client hosts
Overview of the command execution environment
Overview of the system configuration definition and its effects