
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

14.2.2 Considerations for visual monitoring

Using the Visual Monitoring window, you arrange the objects and groups that you want to watch closely in a map view. This allows you to easily monitor even a large system from key perspectives.

By customizing the background image and Visual Icon in the Visual Monitoring window with images of your choice, you can create a window that is tailored to your particular needs. The following figure shows an example of a customized Visual Monitoring window.

Figure 14‒21: Example of Visual Monitoring window customized with background image and Visual Icon


For details, see the following reference:

About visual monitoring:
Organization of this subsection

(1) Icons and background images used for visual monitoring

Consider what icons and background images are to be used for visual monitoring according to the viewpoint from which you monitor daily tasks.

For example, consider the background images to be used from the following viewpoints:

(2) Suppressing the display of monitoring node name and margins of monitoring node icon

Consider whether to suppress the display of monitoring node name and margins of monitoring node icon to adjust to the colors of the Visual Icon and background images to be used.

For example, when you use the Visual Icon and background image described below, you can have a high degree of freedom when creating monitoring windows by suppressing the display of monitoring node name and margins of monitoring node icon.

About suppressing the display of monitoring node name and margins of monitoring node icon

(3) Setting the status colors for monitoring node name and monitoring node

Consider the status colors for monitoring node name and monitoring node in contrast with the colors of the Visual Icon and background image to be used. In particular, avoid setting a status color that is the same as the color of the background image.

For example, change the settings of status colors in the following cases:
  • Changing the Normal status color (white) to a different color

  • Setting a transmission factor for status colors to always show background images

  • Changing the Warning status color (yellow) to use yellow-themed background images

    Figure 14‒23: Example of window in which the Normal status color is changed from white to blue


About setting the status colors for monitoring node name and monitoring node