
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

12.4.2 Configuring your firewall (required)

You need to configure your firewall as shown in the table below to block external access to the ports the IM Exporter add-on programs use to communicate.

For details on other firewall settings, see 1.18.2(8) Firewall's Setup (for Windows) (mandatory) and 2.19.2(9) Firewall Setup (for Linux) (mandatory) in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

Table 12‒4: Firewall settings for the add-on programs


Firewall setting

Port for process_exporter

Deny external access.

Port for promitor_scraper

Port for promitor_resourece_discovery

Port for script_exporter

Port for fluentd