
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

12.2 List of IM Exporter features

IM Exporter provides add-on programs that allow the monitoring capability in JP1/IM to monitor extended targets in JP1/IM - Agent.

The add-on programs provided by IM Exporter enable you to monitor additional monitoring targets in cloud environments and support container environments and the like. In addition, you can centrally watch performance data collected by the add-on programs and alerts that issued JP1 events in the integrated operation viewer of JP1/IM - Manager, just like the other data and alerts.

The following table lists the capabilities and monitoring targets of the add-on programs provided by IM Exporter.

Table 12‒2: Capabilities and monitoring targets of the add-on programs provided by IM Exporter

Add-on program capability

OS that the add-on runs on

Exporter or plug-in included

Monitoring target

Windows performance data collection


Windows exporter

Performance data of processes that are running on the OS

Linux process data collection


Process exporter

Performance data of processes that are running on the OS

Amazon CloudWatch performance data collection

Windows, Linux

Yet another cloudwatch exporter

Performance data of AWS services that are supported as additional monitoring targets by IM Exporter, except for the AWS services supported as default monitoring targets by JP1/IM - Agent

Azure Monitor performance data collection

Windows, Linux


Performance data of Azure services (such as Virtual Machine and Blob Storage)

Container monitoring through user-specific Prometheus

There is no need to install JP1/IM - Agent.

Performance data of components (such as nodes and pods) in a Kubernetes environment

Log metrics

Windows, Linux

  • prometheus-client#

  • fluent-plugin-prometheus plug-in#

Logs from applications that are running on monitored hosts

UAP monitoring capability

Windows, Linux

Script exporter

Any script

You can also retrieve metrics from script output.


Its entity is a gem file. The file is installed together with other gem files used by JP1/IM - Agent.