
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

11.2.1 JP1/IM product structure

JP1/IM consists of the following products:

JP1/IM - View

JP1/IM - View is for connecting to JP1/IM - Manager to view or operate on the management information of JP1/IM - Manager.

Some of the functions provided by JP1/IM - Manager for efficient system monitoring can only be set from JP1/IM - View. This includes setting filtering conditions and generating monitoring trees.

JP1/IM - Manager

JP1/IM - Manager provides the components for monitoring the system operation, including the Central Console, Central Scope, and IM Configuration Management.

The following restrictions apply:

  • As a prerequisite program, you need the JP1/Base written in the Release Notes on the same host.

JP1/IM - Agent

JP1/IM - Agent is a program that enables you to monitor systems in on-premises and cloud environments and collect performance data from managed hosts and send it to JP1/IM - Manager. Collected performance data is centrally managed in JP1/IM - Manager data base.

JP1 events for performance data and alerts can be viewed in a centralized WebGUI (Integrated Operation Viewer) with other JP1 applications. You can also use REST API provided by JP1/IM - Manager to retrieve performance-data and use it for analytics.