9.3.4 Communication between the manager and agent (JP1/Base)
Communication takes place between the manager and agent (JP1/Base) when the manager sends an instruction to the agent (JP1/Base), or the agent sends processing results to the manager. There are two types of communication that take place between the manager and agents (JP1/Base): communication that takes place according to the management hierarchy defined by the system hierarchy (IM configuration) and direct communication with the target hosts. For this reason, take care when using JP1/IM and JP1/Base in a firewall environment or a system made up of multiple LANs.
The communication that takes place between manager and agent (JP1/Base) is described below, categorized according to the form of communication involved.
- Communication based on the system hierarchy
Distributing configuration definitions
Configuration definition information is distributed to each host in the system, according to the hierarchy defined in the configuration definition file.
Executing commands from JP1/IM - View
Command execution requests are sent down through lower-level hosts according to the system hierarchy, and the execution results are forwarded through higher-level hosts as defined in the hierarchy.
Executing commands by automated action
Command execution requests are sent down through lower-level hosts according to the system hierarchy, and the execution results are forwarded through higher-level hosts as defined in the hierarchy.
Forwarding JP1 events
Under the default settings, JP1 events are forwarded through higher-level hosts according to the system hierarchy.
The following table lists the ports used when communication is based on the system hierarchy.
Table 9‒8: Port numbers used for communication based on the system hierarchy Service
Port number
Used to distribute configuration definitions.
Used for the following tasks:
Executing commands from JP1/IM - View
Executing commands by automated action
Used to forward JP1 events.
- Communicating directly with the target host
Searching for events
The manager communicates directly with the target host.
Collecting and distributing event service definitions
Definition information is collected and distributed by communicating directly with all the hosts in the configuration definition file.
Auto-generating a monitoring tree
Definition information is collected from all products that support the auto-generation function of JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope), by communicating directly with each host.
Using the jcochstat command
The manager communicates directly with the host specified as the command argument.
Canceling an automated action from JP1/IM - View or using the jcacancel command
The manager communicates directly with the host where the action is to be canceled.
Using the jcocmdshow and jcocmddel commands
The manager communicates directly with the host specified as the command argument.
Using the jddcreatetree
The manager collects system configuration information by directly communicating with the host of a linked product from the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.
The following table lists the ports used for direct communication with a target host.
Table 9‒9: Ports used for direct communication with target hosts Service
Port number
Used to conduct an event search.
Used for the following tasks:
Collecting and distributing event service definitions
Auto-generating a monitoring tree
Canceling an automated action from JP1/IM - View
jcacancel command
jcocmdshow and jcocmddel commands
jddcreatetree command
Used by the jcochstat command.